Jun 20, 2005 00:07
Sascha's had 5 years of Bilingual education English-Dutch, he had to write an essay about his opinion on the European constitution. The text goes as follows:
I think the European constitution is needed to secure a good and stabile European Union. The constitution would make thing al lot clearer instead of the old treaties. A constitution would also mean more power to the rules. This means that no country can do things not allowed so. At this moment countries don’t follow they treaties they signed themselves. Another good point of the constitution is the fact that it’s better for the whole European economy. Most people still look too much at their own nation, they forget that Europe is already there. On of the best things about the constitution is the reduction of government bodies which use much of Europe’s money. Those reason only already allow the constitution, if only the rest of the country could see this.
Yes 5 years of advanced English.... and a text made in less than 2 minutes I presume.