Mabo is gonna hate me :p
Look at this Arashi performance for Best Artists 2003 (Tomadoi Nagara + Kotoba Yori Taisetsu Na Mono)…
Aiba-kun with this white outfit…Kakkoi ne?
Demo…If you give him a white hat…and some gloves…and maybe angel's wings on his back… (And a gun -___-)...Yes…He totally look like Daishi from Psycho le Cému on their PV With.
Don't deny it! They're totally look like same lol !!! ^__________^
Looks at this proof !!
Hahahahaha XD I'm a demon :p!
Daishi : "Let me convince you!"
Maybe soon we will see Arashi
like that? …
No? … LOL =^__^=
Daishi Aiba... :p
Little Nino
(I can't stop myself making some screen caps! I'm sorry ^^;;)
The cameraman who's becoming totally wild mad and doing some turn with the camera o_O;
And MatsuJun with his HUGE crown ring!!!
That funny ^_^