I've been tagged by
sixx666 for this meme !
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it. ←(don't tell me what i have to do stupid meme :p)
Seven, it's a lot ^^;;...(I'll put the answers in english :p)
1- I never finish my cup (cup of tea, coffee or anything else). It's very rare, almost never…! I always let some liquid at the end…not a lot but just a little ^^ maybe because of sugar or, I don't now why ^^;!
2- I kept everything. Lot of stuffs, they are souvenirs, and I don't want to throw them away…My all apartment is full of useless things ^^;! (But my whole family is like that -_-) and I have to say, I'm not THAT materialist, I could lost everything if I really have to!! I already lost everything in the past…
3- Sometimes, I have some premonitions. Or I can know things others didn't noticed…Nothing exceptional, but sometime that's help ^^!
4- My hands sweating a lot when I'm anxious or when there is people around me…I think I'm a really nervous person and shy…So, that's awful, I feel like a freak and I can't touch things or people at that kind of moment…in fact this is awful when I have to shake hand with someone ^^; I'm so ashamed of this T___T!
5- Recently I know who could be "My perfect husband"!! And It's something REALLY funny ^^! We joked about that with a friend, because of my name…Let me explain!!
In fact, my perfect husband, should be….Homer Simpson!! Yes!! You read right!! I think he is really funny, I laugh every time I watching him! He is, sort of cute (sometime ^^) and could do some efforts when he need to have some… for his wife or family (but not for his work ^^)! Ok, ok, I don't like fatty (and yellow) guy, but maybe he should be a good husband for me lol :p!...In fact my nickname is "Marj'" (like Marge), and I already had some blue hair ^^;; So, that why we have some joke about a husband called "Homer" :p And … why not :p lol ^0^!!
6- I think I have enough clothes for a whole year, changing them everyday ^^;;!!!! And I'm absolutely not a fashion victim!! I only bought something like…only 23% of them, and the most were really cheap ^^;;;;! But remember, I kept a lot of things :p
7- Ok, it's the 7th…But I have no idea… hmm…Let me think about it…I'll write a book! I already started a lot of "book"…My first was when I was 5 years old, with a typewriter!! That was hard and I just started to know how to write some words, but I wanted se bad to be a writer ^^! After that I started some more project…And even one, a big one, when I was 14/16 years! I think I wrote something like 200 pages… First with the same old typewriter, and after that I re-write them all at a computer (an Atari ^^)….So, I have to continue that dream, and I have to start a new project one day…And to manage to write a WHOLE book one time in my life, and not just beginnings :p!
Ahhh Yatta I finished this meme \o/ !!
I will not tag 7 persons, because I know lot of people already take this meme, but if you want to do it, please go ahead, I'll be happy to view the result ^0^!