Oh!!! As i have nothing to say... here on my LJ...I just thought of scanning some pictures I bought long time ago (in December in fact ^^)!
► Some Arashi paparazzi pictures…Live and all (I thought about them watching AAA DVD…)
Here some Matsujun pictures… I gave them to my friend
ghostcat_ ^__^!
I LOVE this one!! ♥ (wondering why... ^^)
And those ones were for my other friend
mabo ^_^!
(Yes, even a Nino picture….How generous I'm! lol!!!)
And two bonus pix!! (I gave them to....Don't remember ^^)
Matsujun in the butai West Side Story~
Look, nino is in this picture too :p!!!
that's all for now...But i have some more :p
Credits me if you are using them!