short little post ^0^!
► Tomorrow that will be our little and funny "Hawaiian Christmas Party"…I'm so impatient!
Beach, coconuts tree, flowers necklaces, ukulele, surfers, sun and all that…Just in my leaving room XD!
► As
ryoko293 requested it, here a video or Kanjani 8 guys "hitting on girls"…
Ryo, Yasuda and Uchi trying to catch girl in the street with
1- Pheromones perfume
2- Little puppy
3- Yon-sama cosplay (This is is my fav ^__^!!)
I just have this part of the show, and the quality is very, very bad sorry!
shota ryo uchi hitting on girls.avi :
I've to go now...and I finnaly catch-up with all the delay I had with my FL entries *proud*!