Because I'm ill, this last weekend, I started watching sitcom and drama!
I watched 4 episodes of Dead like me (season 1 DVD).
Official website I didn't know this show, but it's pretty good! There are lot of funny events, and the heroine has a strange voice…
the death is everywhere…I like!
If you don't know it, you have to watch it! ^__^!
Thanks to the friend who gave me this~ !
* * *
After that, I started to watch It Started with a Kiss, a Taiwanese drama!!!
Synopsis : I watched it because
Spikiegirl putted it in her LJ (thanks to her ^^).
Not a very original story (looks like a lot to Marmelade Boy) But I enjoy it ^^;;;
The heroine (Xiang Qin) is not very pretty….in fact, I don't like her nose and mouth (superior lip is so strange…she looks like a parrot with it :p)
But she is crazy and a bit insane and stupid XD! So I like her :p
And the boy (Zhi Shu) is so………In fact it's absolutely not my type…but…Ok, he is just so handsome T__T. At the beginning, I just wanted to watch this drama for killing time as I have to stay home… because I have to take some rest…But, after some episodes, I really started to appreciate this drama as a good Shoujo…And I started thinking this guy is, cold, tall (188cm o_O), calm, smart…and very beautiful ^^;;;
*Damn, it's a trap Siro!! Run-off!!!* Too late!...
It's funny the way he tease her…Because I can understand that ^0^;! But I don't like the way he always speak to her sooo close!! So, they are face to face, with only 2cm between them…this is not bearable >o< and too weird :p!
And I don't like very much when Zhi Shu's hair have some waves!
But it's only a detail :p !
The friend of Xiang Qin, who is so madly in love with her and who want to marry her, is so funny too ^0^! Ah Jin, I think it's a good character!
Things I love the most I this drama… :
►Zhi Shu :p
►The car/van of Zhi Shu's mothers =^_________^=!! She is crazy!!
Everything is pink, with some pluses and all!! And wings in the rear view mirror XD!!! I want the same car >o< !!!
►When characters have some daydreams!!
Pink aura, and lots of funny things happens! ^^;;
Especially when Ah Jin have some!
Karaoke time~ !!
♫ ♪ ♪
►The picture of the perfect family (The Incredibles) in the dining room!
►The anime/manga club... because they looks like a lot to all my classmates -__-;… band of stupid damn otaku >o< !
[EDIT] : So far, i saw 8 episodes...And each ep duration is near 1h12!! So, be warned! ^_^!