Mar 13, 2008 19:17
Thanks for all the rightous indignation vibes!
My buddy the fire fighter stopped by yesterday to "help" mom and was there when the buyer came. Along with neighborhood ladies and stood toe to toe with him in front of my Mom. In a town of 11 000 you don't want to piss off the firefighters. Irish firefighters at that. I've been friends with Brian since I was 14. Contact info for real building inspectors, and the other local widows who are selling. When it comes to wagging canes at folks, it falls in the catagory of that wonderful Ron White line
"It's not THAT the wind is blowing. It's WHAT the wind is blowing."
Buyer guy can't speak to mom without her real estate agent there. She didn't know because she didn't know. He was playing her ignorance. House WILL be sold As-is as it was advertised to be. And ABSOLUTLY FUCKING NOT will she put up with his painters being there before she is out. She didn't know he had no right to be there. Asshole. I'm not sure she needs a lawyer as much as she needs some tough guys being be protector of the helpless types. Just how far can a capapult shoot anyway?