Where's the productivity???

Feb 18, 2004 07:08

I'd like this to go on record as my least productive day ever, heh. Let's see, what good did I bring to the world today? Well, first I woke up at 5:15 (that's pm, in case you were wondering. See, there was this soccer match on yesterday, and 'we' won, which my housemate and I thought of as cause for a little [too much] celebration... yeah, know the drill). Then I made Choco Crispies cereal and watched tv. After that I cooked dinner, which, if I do say so myself, was absolutely amazing. I'm such a damn good cook, you don't even want to know. Well, to be truthful, it's my first entirely succesful meal, but hey, who's counting anyway? Well, after that I wanted to take a shower, but decided against it when I realized it was pointless since I didn't really plan to go out tonight. As such, I simply swapped my kewl hearts-pajama for some jeans. Getting dressed can be that simple, people! Well, after that it was seriously time to get down to business. Yes, I would GRAB that ruthlessly dull-looking Financial Accounting book, SIT DOWN at my desk and STUDY 'till I dropped. Indeed, there would be some serious learn-on getting tonight. Well, after reading the first paragraph I understandably required a 15-minute pause to sort my thoughts. Two hours later, time that I filled well by chatting to people I don't particularly like and sorting out my music playlist, I had to put aside the textbook. There's only so much studying one can do on any given day, after all. It was about 11 pm then. It is now 7:30 am. What I did during that time? Absolutely NOTHING worth mentioning. Yes, you heard me, I sat behind my computer putting off studying for 8 and a half hours. Come on, admit that you're impressed. Oh well, I guess I'll leave it at an all-nighter in an attempt to restore my sleeping rhythm somewhat.
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