Nov 05, 2012 23:06
Just 'cause I don't post don't mean that I don't read it. And I love reading your guys' junk. Especially yours.
I post back in my head a lot...but not good about getting my brain on a keyboard at the right moment.
Anyway, here is something I wrote in my hammock the other day. Why? Because why not!
Miss you! xoxox!
This is the tale of the Seven Spoons. It is not a tale of great deeds or the epic questions of life, but it is a tale of deeds and questions. And this is how it begins.
There is a man. The man, who doesn’t generally think of himself in such terms because really who refers to themselves by such labels inside their own heads?, lives in a small house next to a path where many people pass and many people stop. And the man likes that. It isn’t always perfect, but it’s a good place to be - because if it’s worth passing it means it’s on the way to somewhere good and if it’s worth stopping it means it is somewhere good, too.
Now, some days that man wrestles with great forces. He may fight a mighty river in a sinking boat, struggle to pull green life from sandy ground, or labor to help people find that 'somewhere good' they are trying to stay on the way to. There are many tales of the man and those days. This is not one of those tales, though it is a tale of each one of those days. It is a tale of every day.
Every day, the man faces a question. Not a tremendous question requiring a great deed, but nonetheless a question that requires a decision and a deed - and who can know what impact even the smallest decision might have? And maybe it is a little tremendous, because he faces it even before he has his breakfast or his coffee and many people say that makes things seem bigger and harder (though he doesn’t drink coffee).
The question is, simply put, which spoon will he choose? You see, the man has seven spoons. On an ordinary day, seven spoon is far more than enough. But the thing about extraordinary days is, you never can be sure when one will sneak up on you. And you can burn through spoons amazingly fast on extraordinary days. And if you run out of spoons, well, you are just plain forked. And that’s no fun for anyway anyhow.
And so, each day, the man faces the question and he faces the spoon. Because you better have picked the right one of it's one of those days. These are the names of the spoons.
The first, first bought and most used, it of the glint, is called Shiny Spoon! Long has Shiny Spoon served the man, and it has seen many somewheres worth passing to continue on to, as well as many worth stopping to rest and dry its shiny head. Shiny Spoon is mighty and it knows now fear.
Next, are the three brothers. Born in the fires of the developing world, tough but unknowable, they are called the Saramaccan Spoons! The Saramaccan Spoons are mighty and well known along every where the path goes. Light and strong, capable and friendly to all, a Saramaccan Spoon will always strive to its utmost to serve. The three brothers are lauded throughout the land, but it is not just for their efficiency in battle. They are known because they will serve even to the end and beyond.
Twice has the man seen it. Once, in the hand of a passing friend, a brother Saramaccan Spoon gave everything in the line of duty. Without complaint, without a word, it fought the good fight against Coconut until the bitter end. And then the Saramaccan Spoons were only two, and the land was sad. But then, the man was walking the path and there! He saw it! A lost brother had returned - there was a third Saramaccan Spoon! Even after all was lost and the Spoon had fallen, it found its way back to service again. And that is why the Brothers Saramaccan Spoon are ever known as without quit.
Fifth, and not to be trifled with, is Giant Spoon the strong. Oh Giant Spoon, you who stops for no one and will push through no matter what. Against the river where you were once thought lost, or against the steaming fires for which no table spoon was truly meant to face. Oh yes, Giant Spoon is strong. It is the spoon that fights not only for itself, but for the man that wields it.
Sixth, is Shined Spoon. Shined Spoon, the once loved. Shined Spoon was once the prize of another man's or another woman's table, cared for head and tail with love and affection until the day it was heartlessly cast aside. But the man found it in the place of left behind things and he offered it a new place. Not the place in the heart it had known, but a place at a new table and the quiet joy of use and duty. Shined Spoon, the once loved, is quiet but must never be discounted.
Seventh, is Tiny Spoon. Tiny Spoon is the spoon of first resort for many a visitor, though of only last resort to the man. Tiny Spoon, meant not for the battles of fire and food, is often in the hands of those who must face the perils of the day with coffee in their bellies. But that man does not drink coffee, so Tiny Spoon is as yet unproven and does not yet know it's true name.
Seven spoons there are and these are their names. Shiny Spoon, the Mighty. The Brothers Saramaccan, without quit. Giant Spoon, the strong. Shined Spoon, the once loved. And Tiny Spoon, who has not yet learned its true name.
But there is one more spoon. One more spoon, but it is also not a spoon. Though there are many tales of each of the seven spoons, this is not that tale. This is the tale of the seven spoons. And their tale is the tale of the spoon that is also not a spoon. The spoon called Spork.