what the hell is with this quay

Jan 23, 2005 23:14

SoLsTiCeMeTa: man u really think ur hot shit, nice note fuckface
SirMoosalot1: hey watch it
SoLsTiCeMeTa: but as we all know, when the pressure is on , ur face turns red and u panick
SoLsTiCeMeTa: or wat motherfucker
SoLsTiCeMeTa: what
SoLsTiCeMeTa: come do something
SoLsTiCeMeTa: n this isnt paul
SirMoosalot1: oh
SirMoosalot1: sorry
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea
SoLsTiCeMeTa: oh
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u wont be saying sorry
SirMoosalot1: you never know
SoLsTiCeMeTa: ur still fucking with my friend
SirMoosalot1: i dont know what i did to piss you off
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u got a lot of nerve
SoLsTiCeMeTa: o man ur gonna c dude
SirMoosalot1: hey i only speak the truth
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u did enough
SoLsTiCeMeTa: the truth, ur a pussy
SirMoosalot1: if you knew me you would know that
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u know it
SirMoosalot1: oh yeah every day
SoLsTiCeMeTa: paul knows it
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea u are
SirMoosalot1: you dont fucking know me
SoLsTiCeMeTa: o yes i do
SirMoosalot1: ok
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u and ur fucking black hat
SoLsTiCeMeTa: and let me tell u im a crazy white guy
SirMoosalot1: i dont have a black hat
SoLsTiCeMeTa: im no pussy
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u did
SoLsTiCeMeTa: excuse me
SirMoosalot1: what?'
SoLsTiCeMeTa: what what
SirMoosalot1: ok i believe you
SoLsTiCeMeTa: ur stupid black hat
SirMoosalot1: no
SirMoosalot1: crazy white guy
SirMoosalot1: wtf
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u read it
SirMoosalot1: do i know you personally?
SoLsTiCeMeTa: n the way u did paul
SoLsTiCeMeTa: is fucked up
SirMoosalot1: when
SoLsTiCeMeTa: ur a fucking nigger
SirMoosalot1: no
SoLsTiCeMeTa: o cut the shit
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea
SirMoosalot1: he dumped her over something that never happened
SoLsTiCeMeTa: still i know about u
SirMoosalot1: ok
SoLsTiCeMeTa: ur little smiles in the hall, and ur little thumbs up
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u wont be smiling when im through with u
SirMoosalot1: who are you?
SirMoosalot1: was that you who called?
SoLsTiCeMeTa: dont worry about it
SoLsTiCeMeTa: no i didnt call
SirMoosalot1: i think i should
SirMoosalot1: ok
SoLsTiCeMeTa: and dont be telling paul to watch his back
SirMoosalot1: you know if it werent for paul i think we could be friends
SoLsTiCeMeTa: cuz u dont got the balls to confront him face to face like a man
SoLsTiCeMeTa: how about no
SirMoosalot1: hey w/e
SirMoosalot1: yo i had work that day
SirMoosalot1: i fucking told him i couldnt fight him that day
SoLsTiCeMeTa: well then u shudnt of said to be there
SirMoosalot1: i didnt he did
SoLsTiCeMeTa: no u didnt
SirMoosalot1: i kno
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea
SoLsTiCeMeTa: ur bogus man

SirMoosalot1: no
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u shud cut ur shit out
SoLsTiCeMeTa: i hope paul fucks u up before i do
SirMoosalot1: what shit?
SirMoosalot1: ok
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea
SoLsTiCeMeTa: no fuckin joke
SirMoosalot1: ok
SoLsTiCeMeTa: im not like u i actually follow thru on my talk
SoLsTiCeMeTa: i dont say shit and pussy put
SirMoosalot1: you arent me
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u need to grow some balls
SirMoosalot1: thats great
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea and i thank god for that everyday of my life
SirMoosalot1: yeah and when paul called i was in church thanking God
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u probaly were
SoLsTiCeMeTa: fucker
SirMoosalot1: i was
SoLsTiCeMeTa: man i cant wait until the u pay
SoLsTiCeMeTa: n u will
SoLsTiCeMeTa: u fuckin will
SirMoosalot1: for what
SoLsTiCeMeTa: for ur smart ass acts
SoLsTiCeMeTa: motherfucker
SirMoosalot1: i didnt do shit with her until he dumped her
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea b/s
SirMoosalot1: ask her
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea n how the fuck am i going to that
SirMoosalot1: brb\
SoLsTiCeMeTa: yea come make me motherfucker

Auto response from SirMoosalot1: bite the fucking curb

SoLsTiCeMeTa: oo man
SoLsTiCeMeTa: like i say talk shit now, but when the heat is on
SoLsTiCeMeTa: ull see
SoLsTiCeMeTa signed off at 11:01:48 PM.
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