I was looking at my
multiply blog entries. I was actually trying to find recyclable entries. Hahaha! As I browsed through my entries, I saw this two liner entry I made after attending a leadership seminar. It goes like this-
leadsemFeb 10, '07 10:07 AM
for everyone
"not to serve for something... but to serve for someone."
buhos na.
Wow. That seemed like a really long time ago. I was just elected as Vice Orghead then. This was not my only responsibility as I was also appointed as Sponsorships Commitee Head and voted Class Vice President. I wasn't sure I could balance all of these and still get high grades. During the leadership seminar for CSO (Councl of Student Organizations), the speaker told us not to serve for something. Instead, he told us to serve for someone. This someone is not necesarilly God as all cheesy things go. Passion for service can also be for people you don't even know. These people are the people who need help and need your service. You can serve them not because you know they need help but because you want to improve society's status. You want to help the Filipino people through helping the small people you encounter everyday.
Right now, my grades are seeming to get lower and lower. I'm not giving my 100% and I feel that I am enjoying my college life too much. I need to strive. Call it funny, but sometimes, I motivate myself to study for my future family. I feel that I need to strive to get good grades to get a good job and enroll my children in good schools. I should serve for them. This entry needs to serve as my wake-up call. I am serving and studying not just to get high grades, but I am serving and studying for not only my future but my family's as well.
"Kung hindi ubos, kulang."
A close friend of mine sent me a link in youtube.com. It was the music video of the song
"The Man Who Can't Be moved" by The Script. It's a very apt song in relation to my entry. It's about a man who is very passionate to see once again his past love. The man waits on the corner where they met and is willing to wait there forever. Passion to serve, to study, to be the best we can be should be motivated by such love for someone. It's hard to serve for someone since we are not sure whether the person will appreciate what we will do. It's a risk, a risk we should all take.
Let's go.