I want to be responsible when I grow up.

Apr 14, 2005 09:10

So, yesterday was a very good day for me. I received a check from the State Treasury office for almost three hundred bucks! I was very excited, because with this new business, I just never have any "play" money. I was thinking I would save that, add to it, and take a nice vacation at the end of the year.
But, no, because life sucks, and everything good that happens comes back with three times as bad, I found out that I owe $1,000.00 on my rent from 2 years ago. WTF? I looked through my records, and sure enough, I owe it. My fault. But, fuck, fuck, fuck, I am pissed.
I'm pissed at myself, I'm pissed at my landlady (even though it's not her fault), I'm pissed at my stupid, shitty, run down house, which I HATE.
Things had been going well. I was getting my bills paid off, then my car broke down 6 times in three months...6 TIMES! Then I had to buy a new dryer. So that pretty much ate into what little bit of money I had accumulated, but I still thought, ok, I will be fine.
Now this. I'm paying it all off today, because I don't want to get any further behind on it.

I am thankful I have a roof over my head when so many aren't fortunate enough to have even that.
But I'm still grumpy.
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