Melanie is talking bad about me... again

Sep 21, 2008 14:43

I was informed by Sharon (Shazzah) that Melanie has been saying that I don't want Aidan to be treated for any problems he might be having. I wrote this response to her and hope that any of my friends who see this will see the truth in this statement. My response follows:

Apology accepted.

What you say isn't a surprise to me at all. She has never told the truth, why should she start now.

I never said that she shouldn't get him evaluated. I suggested that autism is over-diagnosed and that it would be likely that if we wanted to get him labeled as autistic we probably could. I felt that a label like autistic could be counter-productive and might hinder him, or her in her upbringing of him, if she believed him to be autistic.

People tend to release themselves of responsibility once they have a scapegoat thinking that they no longer have to live up to expectations if there is a real reason that might prevent them from doing so. Conversely, parents have a difficulty having expectations of children with disabilities, not believing that they can do what regluar children do. This leads to a downward spiral of poor behavior and and poor response to poor behavior.

Melanie is trying to not take responsibility for raising Aidan via TV instead of giving him the love and affection he deserves. I have tried to explain to her that he needs more care and if he has a problem all we can do is bring all our resources to bear on the problem. Having a diagnosis won't help the situation if we are really trying our best to help him learn.

That said there are some governmental programs for kids with autism that might be beneficial. Most of those programs are also provided for privately and my tribe will pay for all costs associated with them, and we don't need a diagnosis.

I am not trying to keep him from treatment. I am trying to keep him from being labeled. There is a distinct difference. Melanie is trying release herself of her responsibilities.

If you would like to post this as a response to Melanie, please do. I am not on her friends list nor do I want to be. She doesn't listen to me, not even when it concerns the proper raising of our children.

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