
Mar 02, 2008 19:50

What guy with 2 thumbs is a dumbass?
<--- This guy!

I washed my phone with my laundry last night. Guess what, it died in the process, whoda thunk?!?! This is totally not like me. Since I have had a cell phone I have never had one die on me, they have always lived the life of my calling plan and still been able to go past that time. Nope not this time, I washed it so good that they couldn't even retrieve the phone numbers off it.

So I went out this morning and got myself a new phone. I got the tiny little 'juke' by samsung. It is cool, not fancy, has room for 2GB of music and is tiny which is something that I hated about my last brick of a pda.

I will however need all your phone numbers again. So please post them here with your replies about how much of an idiot I am!

Love ya
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