Apr 24, 2005 02:05
Roomie came back not too long ago. I didnt notice anything different when he came in. He changed into his pj's, ligts off the entire time, and crawled into bed. He tossed and turned and soon left the room. As he did I noticed something...he was drunk. So I listened...I heard him go into the bathroom and soon enough I heard him pucking. I just chuckled to myself. It was awhile and he wasnt coming back so I went and check on him, being the good roomie I am. He had finished and was cleaning himself up. I was surpised to see that one sink was practically full (urp!). What surprised me even more was that it was all in the sink, not any on the counter. I asked him if he was okay and he said he didnt know. We went back to the room and I put a new grocery bag in my trash can and told him it was for if he needed to again and couldnt make it. He kinda gave me a weak smile and said okay. He's now in bed snoring. Im sure he'll be good for the rest of the night. Ah, the things I have to put up with. LOL. Till next time...