Doctor Who

Aug 26, 2006 18:51

Long time, no entry, I know. Yikes. I've been lurking around LJ when I get the chance, but rarely have time to actually create anything I find worth posting.

However. (And I know quite a few of you are probably already on this ship) I just discovered the new Doctor Who.

I'll try to keep my thoughts on the vague side, so as not to spoil anything major for those that wish to read but still want to watch Doctor Who and be surprised. Most of my rant is about characters, not events, if that helps.

I know he was the ninth Doctor, certainly far from being the original, but I am so in love with Christopher Eccleston's as the Doctor that I may never be the same again. *insert major swoon here* Yes, he's kinda goofy looking with his big ears, long hooked nose and silly grin, but somehow it's all grown on me and I've started finding it all very, very sexy ...

I'm also fairly sure that he and Rose (Billie Piper) are meant to be together, so don't be surprised if you come across a new layout sometime soon on my journal. Can't be helped. But why, oh why, was Eccleston only on for one Series?! I know it was his choice, not the BBCs, but it's still damn disappointing. I wanted more. More, dammit!

Then there's the tenth doctor, David Tenant. I was willing to give him a go, but it felt like the writers were trying to keep something of the same relationship between Rose and the tenth Doctor that she had with Nine, but I never saw even a fraction of the chemistry that she had with Eccleston.

That aside, overall I'm definitely not as enthused by Ten. He has his moments, certainly (Great line: "Is that the sort of man I am? Rude and not ginger?"), but I'm not head over heels in love with him like I was with Nine.

And we'll see how it goes now that they've replaced Rose, too ... Rose was the only reason I kept watching through the second series. I'll give it a go (who knows, maybe Tenant and the new companion will have better chemistry), but I don't have high hopes, I'll be honest.

So, in conclusion: I still love my Ryan and Bam, but Nine/Rose is a rather new obsession and must be cultivated. You understand, don't you? ;)

If you haven't seen the new first series of Doctor Who, what are you waiting for?! Go! Now!

doctor who

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