Oct 12, 2008 21:19
After reading on Prop 4 since I talked to some opposers of it, I found that Prop 4 is a completely win-win situation. It would be stupid not to vote yes on it.
The main concern that is constantly brought up is the fact that if notification (not consent) was mandatory, then the child may have to face parents that are abusive. The funny thing is is that Prop 4 gives the child the ability to notify doctors so that they can let other loved ones know or law enforcement know so that the child can be taken care of properly and still have proper medical care and the like. Witholding notification, the child could have a secret abortion, the doctor, parent, loved one or law would have no idea about any type of abuse. She would be taken to the doctor, given the abortion and sent right back to the abusive home. Dumb.
"Well what if the child resorts to going to another unsafe environment or over the boarder?" With the kind of protection that a child has for this, there's no reason to do it. Abuse can be reported so the parents are actually on defensive--not the child. There haven't been very many reports happening of that type of incident anyway so it is simply a scare tactic.
Personally, I think abortion is the next sickest thing to rape. Generations of children have been aborted because of people's irresponsibility and lack of abstinence and the opposers of Prop 4 want to allow secret abortions? "But it's their body, they can do what they want with it." So because their mother spared their lives means they can disrespect the life of another just so they can cover their sin? Oh please. Jesus bought everyone's body with a price--his own body so what gives a girl a right to kill that life?
Of course, the best solution is to teach abstinence so we can end this madness but people don't believe in uprooting the problem, the beileve in just band-aiding it. Controceptions and all the like work but only for a given time and if a person chooses to use it all. To be real, using a condemn does not feel the same and eventually, that person will want to feel it all it in its unfettered glory. STD's still run rampant and contraception is the key to beating it? No. That's band-aiding it. Abstinence is the final blow to all that but this world continues to let people do what they want to do because they have no God to be held accountable to. To be honest, if I didn't have God, I would say let them all die by their sin but that wouldn't be very loving and that's not the way God works. He wants to save everyone but it requires accepting Jesus and people just don't want to do that--it means they can't sin anymore--it means they have to be held accountable to something.
Common sense has been lost. Seriously.
proposition 4,
sarah's law