read the other post first.. it's a bit longer, but prob'ly more interesting. Maybe

Sep 09, 2015 05:37

1) Okay, I already don't think this is going to work the way it's supposed to.. the way it USED to. And I don't know what the difference is. Oh well, here's
2) the first test. Well that worked out okay. So, let's do this thing. I'm back in the saddle, sort of. I haven't used the frame
3) for.. idunno.. ibetcha it's been a couple of years. In case you've forgotten (speaking to the hypothetical readier) this is a timed exercise
4) with me typing into a numbered “frame” and watching a second hand and punching the down arrow every minute to move down to the next numbered line. I've made frames with ten
5) and fifteen “lines,” of course, since iota be able to fill a line in under a minute, the completed frame will have about twice as many
6) actual lines as numbered spots. Yeah, usually I’ll get a couple of lines down per minute. And usually not much more than that. anyhow, the thing izzat watching the clock
7) tends to make me write more than I would I I was or were simply sitting with my fingers on the k'board. The sweeping second hand infuses a sense of somethinglike urgency to the task.
8) Well, it usually works that way. Sometimes I simply get frustrated with the pace of the exercise and bow it off after a couple of minutes. Oh, an lemmetellya buddy, there's a
9) whole lotta difference between a ten and a fifteen mnute frame. I can usually pull out a ten without sweating, but that's about whre it gets to be a chore and the fifteen seems to get really long.
10) ding. Oh I thought I was done! I wasn't paying enough attention to the screen.. just the clock.. anni thought I'd filled the tenth line already. That's why I set the “ding.”
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