I was settling in for prob'ly a week with no Taylor and she then she unleashes a shitstorm on Twitter.
And she's wrong. On the bright side, there was some news yesterpm abut crafting a less obnoxious contract for photographers. I don't think it's going to happen, but I'd like to see Tay ringing in with some words about how Lena and Lorde schooled her on how limited her vision is. I'm pretty sure both of them can see what Nicki's point is/was. And I'm sure that once it's been pointed out, Taylor sees too, that she hijacked an argument that really wasn't about her. Well, let's go and see some of the drubbing she's getting in the media that kinda wants to hate on her anyway I think. So, the best guess in the fandom seems to be that Taylor will keep her head down and let the storm pass. I wish she would be “big” about it and admit her mistake and give some support to Nicki's platform. The way this is playing in the media goes two ways, the one that gives Nicki props for calling out a racist and misogynist industry usually doesn't even mention Taylor's unfortunate tweet, the other way plays it like a catfight. Oh well. Katy tweeted in to keep it going I think, definitely bashing Taylor. And I've been so fascinated with the drama on the Taylor sites I've completely neglected to check on Kaylor. Let's do that now. Yeah, the buzz over there is much more subdued and generally saying Tay was wrong and mostly foolish to ever get involved in the first place. I think that the noise is about die down and I guess there won't be any more about it till someone decides to stir the pot again prob'ly the night of the awards.
7-23-15 I'm feeling very weird and kind of down thisAM, not the best frame of mind for a string of interviews. Plus, there's at least an average chance that I'll get tapped to do a mini lesson, an exercise I truly despise. Overall, I'm feeling pretty funky and that's such a shame. I feel like I've been killing it interviews all week, but.. I dunno, it's sorta like crowding 200 views of my posts at the fan board and not getting any replies. Plus, the big “news” about Taylor izzat she's getting (I guess deservedly) dragged, still, for her ill-advised tweets Tuepm. The fan tumblrs mostly want to see some Tayvin action. The Kaylor shippers are sorta glad that this shit is a continuing distraction from Calvin's single drop. And just about everyone agrees that Taylor made a serious goof. A phrase that comes up a lot is White Feminism. And then the conversation takes a much friendlier tone when Taylor apologizes. Yay. I didn't want to talk about it anyway. But it is worth noting that she used the actual phrase “I'm sorry.”
7-24-15 I feel weirder today than I did yesterday and I don't like it. The thing I notice most izzat the “news” around Taylor doesn't fascinate me. I'm spending a lot more time scoping the fan sites than the news. One thing the Kaylor site mentioned is the possibility that Tay might bring a group of fans out on the stage tonight in Boston.. remember Swiftmas? Well ten or so of those girls have staged a reunion of sorts in Massachusetts and talked about that very thing, going on stage, on their respective Tumblrs. The Kaylor writer says it'd be a really -bad- PR move because it might send the message to other young fans that they “aren't good enough.” I guess it could go either way, it might be seen as the ultimate tribute and not recognizing the “ultimate fans.” I'll let Tree, her publicist sort this one out. Oh, btw, Taylor followed her Twitter apology up with a personal phone call to Nicki. Nic says they were laughing and joking by the end of the convo. A couple or three of the Taylor bloggers are still being bitchy because 1) they think Nicki -did- directly call out Taylor (she didn't, it could've been a ref to Miley winning VotY last year) and 2) Nicki “favorited” some really mean shit about Taylor. Oh, I looked around a found a couple of Kaylor sites that aren't as, um, militant as the one I call “lesbian.” Those gals can't go a minute without dragging Calvin and predicting the demise of the “showmance.” They've been talking about a timetable, I'm not sure how they worked this out, for Tayvin to drift apart in Sept and split amicably in Oct.