(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 22:22

Okay, on Monday I got some grades for recently marked units at college.  I have to wait a while for the Final Grade, but the ones I got back were as follows.
a.k.a "Taking/experimenting with photographs."

Contextual Studies
a.k.a "The history of art"
I have to do this by the 14th of July or I fail :D

Initial Research
a.k.a "Showing examples of existing work and linking them with my own... " I'm surprised about this mark as there was virtually no link between my research and my Final Major Project.

Development Process
a.k.a "Trying loads of different ways of doing things, including sketching different ideas and playing about with different media for my Final Major Project"

Final Presentation
a.k.a "My final finished work that was put up for exhibition"
Oh yes :D

Professional Practice
a.k.a "Things like applying for unversity...  Putting my portfolio together...  And possibly meeting deadlines"

God this Rich Text Editor sucks...  spaces my lines out too much =/
But anyway I think I should be on course for getting the shit I need for uni.
So last night a few of us went to Becky's.  It was alright.  Had 7 bottles of lager so got a lil tipsy but didn't go anything dumb...  However at 3am we went on a quest for chips.  We found a Riley's Snooker club and buzzed in on the buzzer.  A potato with legs came to the door.  We needed a card to get in.  I asked him he he'd make us some chips and then bring them to the door while we waited outside.  He said no.
Then as we were walking back, some proper drunk dude was like at the other end of the street and we heard him shouting something like "KELLY!?"  I shouted over to him "Got any chips mate!?"  He Shouted some drunkness back and I shouted "Oh okay sound, cheers anyway."  We went back to the house.
Most people went to bed, and we started watching Finding Nemo.  Then everyone gradually dropped off, until it was just me and Ashley watching Shrek 2 until like 6am.  Adam fell asleep and we tried to draw a cat face on him but he kept waking up, the bastard.

Edit: Oh I just remembered. Becky tricked me! She told me she wanted to play this Copying game. What you have to do is the first person touches a part on your face and then you have to touch the same part on their face... You don't MIRROR them you COPY... So if you touch their right cheek they have to touch your right cheek. So she started poking me in the face and I did it back. I was like "yeah I'm fucking ace at this" because she was drunk and I wasn't. But she eventually caught me out and I felt silly. Then everyone started laughing at me, especially Becky who actually spat her drink out. I looked in the mirror and found out that every spot she had touched me had left a red lipstick dot on my face. Ahhhhhhh! End of edit.
I felt sorry for Becky's boyfriend.  Becky is a lovely girl but she's so mean to him.  She snaps at him and calls him boring like every 2 seconds because he never talks.  I don't think she realises it can be hard to talk to people when everyone is in like, a group.  I had the same problem when I first started working there.  I'd have been a bit embarassed if I were him.  They are engaged but I think they should break up.
Also, Jenny's boyfriend Ben broke up with her.  She's seemed okay for the last few days but she was in tears this afternoon.  Apparently he's trying to blame her for everything.  That sucks.
I think I need to worry less about how much people like me.  It stops me having fun.  I wasn't impressed today.  Yesterday we had to wait at work for like an hour because someone who was going to Becky's had to wash the dishes at her house or something.  The girl didn't even want to go but we waited for her anyway.  Then today, we were going to go down the road the the shop.  Ashley and Jenny wouldn't even give me ONE MINUTE just to put my shoes on.  They just went without me.  So no, I'm not going to bother trying to get closer and closer into their group.  One thing I will bare in mind from now on though - these people are acquaintances.  They are not friends.
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