May 26, 2009 23:07
I saw a baseball game of the Atlanta Braves vs Toronto Blue Jays.
It was a much different experience than I expected. Our seats were really good. Sitting along the third baseline, with a really good view of home plate. The Canadian and United States anthems were sung.
Seeing all the peddlers of various confections and drinks buzzing around was pretty amusing to actually see. I see service industry things like this and it never fails to make me chuckle.
The gameplay was interesting. Learning game rules as I went along and taking in all the various information billboards, not to mention the ridiculous amount of ads that painted the landscape was pretty intense. They also had, what I was told, was the largest screen in professional sports. Shown in HD, of course, it was pretty overwhelming. Saw a couple home runs, saw some really good plays, and laughed my ass off thinking of all the ways I want to go back and make a lot of people really uncomfortable for doing the hand chop, borderline bullshit, team support. :)
I wore the, "This Space Stolen By the White Man" t-shirt to the pow-wow we went to last weekend. Considering some of the reasons I was able to attend the game I decided to be a little less brazen, than perhaps I normally would be.
The game started to drag a little, the seats becoming the hard plastic things they were about the 5th inning, and then the Braves scored 7 runs in the 7th inning and the game got quite a bit more interesting.
I really enjoyed myself and could probably see myself going to a few more. Not too often...but, a few more. I'm looking forward more to my first hockey game.
Other than the game, it was a really nice weekend. Haven't heard much back besides scams on the job boards I go through. Though, I do seem to have work coming up, once one of Austin's friends gets the truck that is essentially his business gets running. I'm eager to start contributing more.
Living in Georgia is an interesting experience. I didn't experience quite as much culture shock as I think was expected, though, we spend most of our time in widely diverse environments, which is probably shaping a good deal of that.
I miss a lot of people in Chicago, I hope you're all doing well.