Have we gone soft

Jun 02, 2007 23:40

Let me start by saying that I am not a mom. I never have been and most likely never will be. And any opinions in this..sort of...rant is just me thinking about how I feel, and I alone about the obsurdity of the public support for the parent's of Madeleine McCann. It really hurts my heart that this little 4yr old girl has been taken, and God knows what has been done or being done to her because of the utter stupidity and ignorance that her parents display. I am praying everyday that authorities find this little girl alive and well. I really am. But I am also praying that if that time comes that they not only take her away from her parents never to see her again, but I hope that they throw them in jail for the rest of their natural born lives. It was sheer lack of any common sense and the complete arrogant attitude of "oh it'll never happen to us" that had Madeleine kidnapped. If her parents were wealthy beyond the stars I could see that thier kids would be a target and that no matter what they tried to do to protect them there would always be a risk. But from what I can understand of them from the media they are just everyday working people. I was listening to an interview that one of the morning shows were doing with the parents. The interviewer posed a question to the couple about how they feel about the criticism that some people are giving them about the circumstances with which they left their children. The mother's answer, and I only caught the first part of it because after that I had gotten really angry, was "I think that we were a little bit naive". Naive???? You're kidding me right??? There was absolutely nothing naive about leaving your 4yr old daughter alone in a hotel room with your 2yr old twin toddlers to go to dinner. I don't care that the restaurant was only 50 feet away(this is according to what the news said) you are in a foreign country leaving your kids alone in a hotel where you have no idea what kind of element of people work there and it's a place that anyone could get access to any of the rooms and have plenty of exits to chose from. And they only checked on their kids every half hour.  These people leaving those kids alone in a hotel room was not a mistake, it was not naievette it was pure and simple stupidty, arrogance and selfishness.Even if you've lived on a remote island for most of your life you know about the dangers of child predators, molesters, pedofiles and trafficers. So to use the excuse that you were a bit "naive" doesn't fly with me at all.  If you want some time together as a couple that's fine. But do it when you know that you have someone that you can trust watching your children in a place that you know is safe. Look I got separated from my mom once in a K-mart. It happens I understand things like that happen. But me wandering away from my mother in a store for a span of about 5mins and what these people did is totally different. And the more that I think about them the angrier I get.

So my question is why is there so much sympathy and support for the parents of this child?? They've already had a blessing from the Pope, a private audience(i think this is what I've read) with the Prince of Wales and I believe that they have had some contact with JKR about printing pictures on bookmarkers that will be distributed with copies of Deathly Hallows. Jo from what I can see in interviews and articles that I have read is a very caring person. And I can see her wanting to do all that she can to help the authorities find this little girl. But why on earth are the parents having any contact with her?? Instead of everyone being so nice to these people I personally think that they should be beaten in public. And then thrown in jail like I stated earlier. Like I said I am not a mom. But I have a mom and know plenty of moms to know how protective they are about their children. If any of the children I know ever wanders away from their mother believe me it's the last time that it ever happens again. These people seem way too comfortable with the idea of leaving their children alone to make me think that this is the first time that they have done this. But I'm really wondering why it is that more people aren't outraged by their negligence. And why more people aren't calling for them to take the resposibility for their actions. And this is why I say that people have gotten way too soft. Nobody takes responsibility for their actions anymore and we let them get away with it. Hell in most cases we find a way to defend what they did. I'm sure there are some of you that are going to disagree with me on this and that's fine. But I am standing firm in how I feel. I'm sorry but I just can't help but feel that this is all the parents' fault.

madeleine mccann, kidnapping

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