I listened to
Coast to Coast with George Noory last night and it almost made me believe in Jesus! Those of you who do believe in Jesus, please don't push any more Jesus toward me but I'm just saying, hey, I don't know, maybe he WILL come back at Armageddon. who knows. Deep down I believe humans invented the concept of God, but that doesn't mean I don't believe fantastical things can exist.
Hi, I live in San Francisco now.
Anyway, dig this recap of last night's show:
End Times & Biblical Prophecy
Founder of
Endtime Ministries, Irvin Baxter, discussed how biblical prophecies such as from the Book of Revelation are lining up to indicate that we are entering into 'End Times.' In his estimation we are only around six to eight years away from the final battle of Armageddon, which he described as a conflict involving nuclear weapons, lasting possibly just 45 days. Leading up to this will be a war involving a nation with a 200 million strong army (which he suspects is China) that will result in the deaths of 2 billion people.
One of the key 'End Times' indicators, he said, is the planned National ID Card which Americans will need to begin using by May 2008. The card is moving us much closer to the prophesied "Mark of the Beast," he believes, and because of this and other concerns, he has launched the No National ID campaign.
The Antichrist is likely a man somewhere in his 40's to 60's, possibly a high official in the EU, opined Baxter, who added that the man doesn't realize he's the Antichrist but actually thinks of himself as being Christ-like.
And below is an interpretation of how the "Mark of the Beast" may be impending via the capitalist economy:
Revelation 13:16-18
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Proponents of world government teach that there are three major causes of war on the earth: political conflicts, economic conflicts, and religious conflicts. They contend that, if we had one-world government, a global economy, and one-world religion, the root causes of war would be abolished. With the advent of The European Union, NAFTA, APEC, and GATT it appears that a one-world economy is upon us.
The Bible teaches that the time will come where this one-world economy will be so dominant that no man may buy or sell unless he has received a mark in his right hand or forehead. Our world is rapidly moving toward a cashless society where every economic transaction is done electronically and requires that each individual has a number associated with them (e.g. Social Security number). It has been recommended by some in banking circles that a special invisible number be implanted somewhere on the body. This number would satisfy the needs of the banking community, the manufacturing industry, and the businesses that supply us with goods and services. Emerging technologies such as RFID are enabling such a system.
And yet somehow this all leaves me with a feeling of relief and optimism. Maybe it's that though I believe in no particular myth as literal truth or any divine plan for the universe, I'd be happy to discover I was wrong. (emphasis on "discover" not "...be convinced that...")