Twas the Night Before Christmas- DD8

Jan 30, 2007 22:42

Title: Twas the Night Before Chistmas
Author : siriusmoonlite
Challange: minorhp100
Prompt: DD8
characters: Petunia/Vernon, Molly/Arthur, Oliver/George, one or two implied. Take your pick.. ;)
Word count: 200
Rating: G
Team: Lions

The coldest day of the winter was drawing to a close. Smoke escaped from chimneys, disappearing as it made its way up into the clear, star filled sky. Arthur and Molly curled in front of the kitchen fire, wrapping gifts for grandchildren, telling stories of when their own children were young.

Many miles away Oliver and George lay on the sheepskin rug in front of their fire. They were celebrating more than the holidays. This was their second anniversary.

Across the miles, worlds apart, our favourite family from Privet drive were getting ready for Christmas morning. The house smelled of ginger, vanilla and rum.

“You two go up,” Petunia smiled, “I’ll finish here.”

Petunia beamed as the snores of her boys reached her. She sat in front of the artificial fire, staring at gold garland, plastic mistletoe…..

She was a teenager again. Lily had friends over. Everyone was kissing under real mistletoe, yet she sat alone. Sirius looked at her, winked at Remus and tore the mistletoe from the doorway. She received a kiss from them both.

She was awakened as Vernon carried in the newspaper. “Vandals! Hanging that plant from our tree branches.”

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Twas a magical eve for all.

minorhp, petuniavernon, drabble

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