One For the Sidekicks

Nov 02, 2006 14:28

Title: One For the Sidekicks
Author : siriusmoonlite
Challange: minorhp100
Prompt: 38: W Wingardium Leviosa
characters: Crabbe, Goyle, bit of Harry and Draco, mention Pansy.
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Team: Lions
Additional HP drabbles by siriusmoonlite


Crabbe and Goyle crouched behind the wardrobe in the DADA classroom, eyes fixed on the site in front of them.

Goyle pointed his wand. “Wingardium Leviosa.”

“You learned that one?” Crabbe was surprised. Goyle couldn’t even read.

Crabbe giggled.


The feather tickled Draco behind his ear.

Draco swatted his neck where the feather had been, cocked an eyebrow and turned toward Harry. The feather lay innocently on the desk. That arse Harry was snoring, feigning sleep.

Crabbe was overjoyed the sidekicks finally pulled one over on Draco.

However, Goyle hoped Draco’s gaze would shift towards Harry…and away from Pansy.

mischp, myjournal, drabble

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