Hey everyone! Four quick things...
ONE: "THE DARK KNIGHT" IS GOING TO BE IN SELECT IMAX MOVIE THEATERS THIS WEEKEND FOR THANKSGIVING! I haven't looked into it yet, but I'm hoping it will be playing by me! *lovelovelove and winwinwin* ^_______^*
TWO: Twilight movie = pretty good! Go into it thinking it sucks. Realize it's a cheezy vampire movie. It's not Hollywood/Harry Potter. It's indie/artistic. It's also unintentionally funny, lol. I enjoyed myself, and if you don't take it too seriously, I think you will too! ^__^;;
THREE: Apparently, leaving a PS3 plugged in all year without playing it costs $400!! That little red light is a big monthly expense! I just saw an article about it the other day. Thought I'd pass the word: When you're not gaming, unplug the system! -.-;;
FOUR: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I won't be online tomorrow, so enjoy your turkey! *hearts*
Also! I'm pimping out the 2008 Nolanverse Gift Exchange on my community
The info, rules, and sign-up form are right here! If you like Nolanverse ("Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight"), please please PLEASE sign up! We have a lot of participants already, but the more the merrier! ^_____^*
I miss you all! Much love, many hugs, wincest, and B/J! ^__^*