Fun Fandom Meme! <3

Jul 14, 2008 15:00

(Here's the meme:)

Make a list of the following (on a piece of paper, separate document, whatever -- just not in your entry):

1-2. Two characters you think you'd be friends with.
3-4. Two characters you'd want for siblings.
5. A character you'd date if they were real.
6. A character that 5 is usually paired with. (Romantic or otherwise~)
7. A character you'd like to toss off a bridge.
8-9. Two people who have recently left comments on your journal.
10-11. 8 and 9's favorite characters. (Or the closest guess.)
12. Wild card!

Got it? Now, answer the following questions.
1. What is a song (or a few) that reminds you of 12?
"Every Me Every You" by Placebo

2. What would you get 3 and 11 for their birthdays/Christmas?
LMAO!! I'd get 3 some lube for him and his boyfriend, and when he said they weren't dating, I'd nod and smile and then walk away. I'd get 11, um... a nice-looking tombstone? *hint hint wink wink*

3. What does 8 think of 1?
She thinks he's cute and funny, I think. She likes him, especially as a best friend to the main character in that show. ^__^*

4. Do you know anyone who likes 7? Who?
God, some stupid bitch I went to college with ages ago. -.-;;

5. How do you feel about 5 6 fic/art/fandom?
\o/ WHOO-HOO!! ROCK ON!! BEING IT ON!! YAAAAAAAY!! ^_______^**

6. What do most people get wrong about 2?
They think he's romantically involved with his partner, WHICH HE IS NOT!!!!! -.-;;

7. What are 10's hobbies?
LOL, angsting? being emo? Crying in a corner? Wanting revenge? That sort of thing? ^,^;;

8. 4, 9, and 11 are stuck in an elevator. What happens?
OMG, orgy. LOLZ. ^,~*

9. All 1 really wants is ____.
Erm... Good, fun times? *shrugs* o.O;;

10. How would 7 and 12 take over the world? Are they successful?
Um... egads. -.-;; They would make up a plan where 7 brings 12 victims and they use creepy powers to kill them. ... I think the plan would fail, sorry 12, ILU. <3 But 7 you suck, go die somewhere alone.

11. 4 and 6 suddenly develop superpowers. What are they?
LMAO!! Well, 4's superpower is the ability to take the powers of other people that he's around. *coughISNOTOBVIOUScough* -.-;; Um, 6's superpowers are death visions. *coughAGAINISNOTOBVIOUScough* -.-;;

12. Describe your ideal day/afternoon/date with 5.
*fangirls, squees, diez* Erm... I think we'd go somewhere fun, like a theme park or arcade, something that would keep him entertained lol. Then we'd fuck like bunnies all night. *swoons* ^_____^*

13. What does 8 think is so great about 10, anyway?
OMG, EVERYTHING!!!!! XD She loves his whole emo angsty thing, especially his relationship with a certain main character and his traumatic childhood. *hearts*

14. You, 1 and 2 are hanging out - what are you most likely doing?
LOLZ! *ponders* Erm... We're probably playing some sort of fighting video game and cursing each other off. *hearts* ^__^*

15. What would be a good journal/screen name for 12?
^___________________________________^******* Probably "mygodwillfuckyouup" or something like that, hee. ^.^*

16. Are you more likely to argue with 3 or 4?
LOL, probably 3. I'd get sick of him picking on me. I think I'd just roll my eyes as 4 is angsty. ^,^;;

17. What is 11's favorite type of music?
THE SILENCE OF DEATH!!!!! Lol, no really, I have no idea. Erm, maybe classical? -.-;;

18. How does 4 feel about their canon family?
They're possibly in love with their brother, it's sorta up for debate. But he's very loyal even though his family is totally screwed. (LOL, that answer is so misleading! ^,~*)

19. 8, 5 and 6 plan a party (for you or otherwise). How does that go down?
IT IS THE BEST PARTY EVER!!!!! There is lots of hot gay sex involved. There is also loud music, dancing, probably a kinkfest with cheetos. Mmmm, cheetos. ^__^*

20. Which of the above is most likely to:
a. win an election? LOL, maybe 4? -.-;;
b. win a karaoke contest? Probably 2? ^.^;;
c. get lost? Can I hope for 7? As in, get lost and never return? -.-;;
d. graduate at the top of their class? DEFINITELY 6! ^__^*
e. get married? Oh god... Erm, 1? *shrugs* -.-;; Or 5 to 6, heehee! *hearts*
f. embarrass themselves in public? DEFINITELY 5! lolz ^,~*
g. cosplay? 8 and 9... Duh. ^.^;;
h. get in trouble with the law? I was going to say 5 and 6, but I think 11 and 12 are probably in worse trouble, lol. ^,^;;

Now comes the fun part: it is now your flist's mission, should they choose to accept it, to correctly guess the identities of 1-12 based on the answers you provided. :)

(End of meme!)

I'm tagging kowaiyoukai and sizijee to do this meme! *hearts* ^__^* And anyone else who wants, do it too!

*waits for you all to give your best guesses at who's who* ^__^*

meme, fandom

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