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SchedulePlanet of the Daleks I can't find a decent picture :(
The TARDIS materialises in a hostile jungle on the planet Spiridon. Jo sets out alone to find help for the Doctor, who has fallen into a coma. She meets a party of Thals and is left in hiding aboard their crashed spaceship while they go to the Doctor's aid. The Time Lord, now recovered, learns of their mission to destroy a party of Daleks sent here to discover the native Spiridons' secret of invisibility.
Another Thal spaceship crash-lands in the jungle, and the survivors bring news that somewhere on Spiridon there is an army of ten thousand Daleks. Jo meanwhile meets a friendly Spiridon named Wester, who cures a deadly fungus disease that she has contracted.
It transpires that the Daleks' army is frozen in suspended animation in a cavern below their base. The Doctor, with the help of the Thals, explodes a bomb in the cavern wall and thereby causes one of the planet's natural ice volcanoes to erupt, entombing the army in a torrent of liquid ice.
The newly-arrived Dalek Supreme and his aides are left stranded on Spiridon as the Thals steal their ship and the Doctor and Jo depart in the TARDIS.
The Doctor has a scar on his forehead that appears to be lightning bolt shaped.
I miss the Thal's costumes. :( Those were the greatest of all time.
Why didn't the Thals ask Jo if she happened to get sprayed by some plant, if it's so important that you treat it quickly? If it's common enough, you'd think you'd ask before assuming that she's fine.
I don't like seeing Thals with guns. They used to be peaceful. Until the Doctor fucked them up. Well, I think it was more Ian than anyone, actually.
... it's been a week since I watched an episode, and now I'm back and I've completely forgotten everything that happened. And why did it suddenly go black & white again?
I like that this invisible guy has to hold a random stick just so that we know he's there. Unless he's using it as a weapon or something.
Wow, way to make the woman feel bad for CARING. Obviously her place is back home. Asshole.
"This job doesn't allow for human weakness." You're not human. It doesn't allow for Thal weakness.
GO WITH HIM JO! :'( Poor guy didn't put up much of a fight for her, did he?
Up next is The Green Death!