Project Classic!Who 2010: 062 - The Sea Devils

Jun 19, 2010 10:44

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The Sea Devils

The Doctor and Jo visit the Master in his high-security prison on an island off the south coast of England and hear from the governor, Colonel Trenchard, that ships have been mysteriously disappearing at sea.

Investigating, the Doctor learns from Captain Hart, commander of a nearby Naval base, that the sinkings have centred around an abandoned sea fort. He and Jo then visit the fort and are attacked by what one of the men there terms a Sea Devil - an amphibious breed of the prehistoric creatures encountered by the Doctor shortly after his exile to Earth.

The Master, aided by a misguided Trenchard, is stealing equipment from the Naval base in order to build a machine to revive the Sea Devils from hibernation.

The Doctor takes a diving bell down to the Sea Devils' underwater base to try to encourage peace. His efforts are frustrated by a depth charge attack ordered by a pompous politician, Walker, but in the confusion he manages to free a captured submarine and escape back to the surface.

The Sea Devils then capture the Naval base, and the Master has the Doctor taken back to their control centre, where he forces him to help finish the machine. The Doctor sabotages the machine and the two Time Lords escape together just as the base is destroyed in an explosion.

Oh, poor Master all locked up, forced to gain weight, where his mad hypnotism skillz don't work. :(

I thought for a second the Doctor and the Master were going to high five. That would have been the best thing ever.


OH SPEAKING OF THE SILURIANS/EOCENES. I just had a test in my geology class over the geologic time periods, and every time I saw Silurian I got all excited.

Every time I think I'm getting used to the music, they do something completely ridiculous and annoying and I can't get past it.

Is it bad that I just thought, "I wouldn't mind being hypnotized by the Master." Should I have admitted that?


"How very kind of you.... How very unkind of you!"

DENIED! Poor Jo doesn't get a sandwich. What is it with this episode and sandwiches?

I would slap this guy in the face if he ordered me around like that. So rude. Saying "my dear" does not make it any better. Asshole.

Really Doctor? Just thousands? An entire underground species wants to declare war on the whole planet, which contains 6 billion humans, and you'll only be risking the lives of thousands? Not that it really matters, I just think it was an understatement.

I was wondering when the Master's masks would come back! Seriously, does he just keep a random stash of masks of his own face in is back pocket, or is he just incredibly fast at making them out of absolutely nothing?

I really loved this one. The Silurians are always a good time. Negotiations, war, good times, good times. I was, however, really disappointed in the lack of Brig and the rest of the sexy UNIT staff. :( Also, I wanted to make a comment about how I wished Captain Hart was Captain John Hart, but I couldn't come up with something clever. Not that all my other comments are at all clever.

Up next is The Mutants! I'm halfway through it, so hopefully there will be another post today. Unless my mom puts me to work cleaning up the house. :(

doctor who, third doctor, classic!who, project classic!who 2010

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