I would really want to make a long rant about this. So please get effing ready. THIS FUCKING CONTAINS SPOILERS. So if you haven't watched it. Do NOT FUCKING READ.
There were many things that irritated me, and I for one did not like the movie even though I did go to see it twice. The midnight show and the first show in the morning-- >.< It's not my fault I have a thing for Ron, Bella, and Ginny. >.< Anyways... continuing on;; I just have to say-- I was disappointed with the ACTING. I am always disappointed with the acting, especially the over dramtics and facial expressions of one Emma Watson, who irritates me beyond doubt. Secondly, so many scenes were cut, so many plots were changed-- I mean, the movies are supposed to parellel the book in every way. Now, I am not saying to put every fucking scene in, but keep it CANON! That's all I fucking ask for, but these people do not fucking get it.
First off, I want to say something to David Yates . . . FUCK YOU!
Order of the Phoenix was COMPLETE shit and they let this man direct the fucking film again. Call Coloumbus, he was the MAN! Anyways, cutting that--- there were some scenes that irritated me, but there was one change I approved of.
Ginny. My lovely, sexy, delicious, red-haired Ginny. I was so happy that we saw so much of her-- that makes me smile. But besides that, the Harry and Ginny shipper in me did not apreciate their relationship being so fucking rushed. I mean, the book took ages to draw it out, and frankly there was absoltely NO sign of Ginny still being attracted to Harry--- basically she was just his friend-- but apparently that wasn't the case. I wanted to see the scene in Chapter 13 - Felix Felices play out (no, I don't have the book with me, HBP is one of my favorite books, i have the chapter list memorized).
Anyways. For those of us that are intelligent enough to read the books, will know that from Order of the Phoenix--- Harry and Cho's kiss was not at all described. Meaning the last thing on the chapter, if I recall correctly was Harry counting the tears on Cho's face, before we immediately move on to a scene with Ron and Hermione. Am I correct, of course I am. So-- whilst Cho and Harry's kiss wasn't at all featured in the book; David fucking Yates had to make a huge make-out session. YET--- whilst Ginny's and Harry's kisses were described quite descriptively in the books (for kids that is), was a mere tap kiss. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? SERIOUSLY! I think I just wanted to fucking scream and claw the hell out of someone and beat their heads with something. I was seriously holding on to my bloody seat. Cause I was just that fucking agravated.
Besides the oh so not good kiss--- what the fuck was up with the RoR? Seriously? Did they just imply in a fucking Kid's movie... that Ginny and Harry shagged in the RoR? Not that I minded of course-- but if you wanna imply that--- please give them a better kiss. And what was up with the whole seductress Ginny? The seductress Ginny does NOT come in until the seventh book! -facepalm/
Anyways I am not gonna spend that much time talking about Ginny and all her hotness. -drools and coughs- Erm... moving on-- Slughorn-- meh... I guess he did an okay job-- but I would have liked to see a more boisterous man-- very happy--- but flawed, and frankly I wanted a fat guy to make fun of besides Hagrid--- big fucking disappointment there. So yeah-- I was mad that Slughorn doesn't look like the Slughorn we see in the books.
Oh!! Which reminds me... I think I jumped outta my seat in hilarity when I saw that Draco had a fucking CANE!!! OMG! That made the whole movie worth it! Him having a bloody cane!
LOL! Back to my rant--- okay-- what else? Bella just completely like almost turned me on, if I didn't hate her so god damned much. And I really liked the fact that they hinted the suggestive incestous idea-- that the Blacks/Malfoys had. So when Bella licked Draco-- I was like HEHEHEHE. And immediately I just started thinking about Sirius and Bella. LOL! HEHEHE!
Okay-- I still don't like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. No matter how hard he tries every year, he does not look like a caring dude-- or remotely funny, like the actual Dumbledore is. Gambon is just a big fucking question mark to me. I don't know why he exists.
-shakes head-
Now to start the biggest thing that I hated. The Death of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. This death, when I read it in the books, made me cry like there was no tomorrow. I was just sobbing-- and crying out for Snape to be murdered and hanged--- I just wanted to kill the fucking shit out of Snape and wish that he fucking got butt raped in the jail cell in Azkaban. Because the Death affected me SO much. And Harry, who is a character I hate with all my effin heart--- I actually felt bad for-- because he was so hopeless as he watched Dumbledore die. There wasn't a thing he could do to save the already withering HeadMaster. Fuck-- I felt for Harry at the moment in the books. So, this is a movie right-- the point of a movie is to dramatisize things--- meaning, that if I was crying in the books--- that means I should be BAWLING in the movies... I was seriou sly--- giggling when Dumbledore died. At the fucking amusement that David Yates could be this horrible.
Many people will say that the movie is amazing because of the special effects and all of that-- but seriously, open your fucking eyes and look at the acting. I am not saying everyone is horrible, Rupert Grint does an AMAZING job as Ron, but that's besides the point. When I see Harry and the way he acts in the books and in my head--- I don't see that parelleling in the movies. Not at all, not by a fucking long shot.
So the Death didn't cause me any amount of grieve, but I did like the way Dumbledore fell, that made me sad. I seriously wanted to see more out of Snape. More hatred, repulsiveness, and anger;; but what I saw was this regret lingering there that so OBVIOUSLY means he is good. Oh and I am sure--- that the whole Dumbledore and Snape conversation prior to the whole Horcrux hunting scene.
Now, my fellow Gryffindors.... especially the male ones. I want you to reach between your legs and chop your balls off. You want to know WHY I say that? Why the fuck is Harry such a fucking PUSSY in this movie? Please answer that question for me. Dumbledore--- neither cursed Harry nor did he put the Invisiblity Cloak on him--- he was fucking free to do whatever he wished. But instead he put his SMALL tail between his legs and just went to the bottom. WTF?
Okay-- another message to David Yates. HE just BUTT FUCKED THE SHIT OUT OF HARRY'S CHARACTER. I mean, the REAL/CANON Harry Potter will NOT sit on his ass if he is put in a situation like that. Canon Harry is very impulsive, and hot tempered; especially when it comes to his loved ones. He is very-sacrificing and whatnot--- so seeing him just standing there-- looking up at Dumbledore--- just seriously killed me inside. I am such a fan of the series, but wow. That disappointed me so much.
I understand-- changing some of the characters--- but when you take away the biggest characteristic of a character--- what do you have left? NOTHING. I just wanted to rip out all my hair--- that was SOOO wrong. SO fucking WRONG. That disappointed me the most-- I was just baffled at Harry.
Okay-- another thing--- WHERE was the firece undialuted anger-- that built inside Harry when he chased after Snape? Were was that lingering hatred, the six fucking years of hatred coming out-- and he wanted nothing more than to kill Snape? WHERE WAS IT? Where was Snape's revolting anger at being called a coward? HUH!!!? I expected that scene to be SOO dramtic--- something that would stop my little cousin from sleeping away as the movie continued to play on.
I hate--- Draco, but I really felt for him--- even when I am not supposed to. No matter how pitible his character is, he is not gonna cry over a dead bird. >.< okay? got it? good. I still love his long cane. XD
So overall, the movie was fucking shitty. This was more dissapointing than GOF, at least they didn't change CANON that much--- no matter how many scenes were cut off--- but nevermind... the point is-- HBP sucked, but please go watch it, and give Warner Bros more money to make another shitty movie. =)
I really want to see how they are gonna fuck Deathly Hallows up next.
OHH!! and Thank you for making it so obvious that Snape was on the good side. It was supposed to be a FUCKING mystery. BUT THANKS!
And again---