Title: Her Favorite Son
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Walburga Black’s thoughts before she burned Sirius’ name off of the Black
Warnings: None
Rating: K+
Her Favorite Son
She stared blankly at the Black tapestry in front of her, and it mimicked the same in return. The precise detail, the expressions, the personalities, all stared back at
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Sirius was her first-born. Whether parents admit it or not, they have a special love for the first-born, that no other child gets. At least I feel that way... But I am an only-child, so I wouldn't exactly know, now would I?
But Walburga truly loving Sirius hit me when Kreacher mentioned how broken she was after he had left.
There are a lot of cliches out there that suggest that Sirius was abused by his parents, how he was unloved, and all that other crap.
All that is crap!
Sirius wasn't abused, he just wanted to get out from the PureBlood Mania. Being in Gryffindor changed his prespective.
I am sure Sirius loved his mother dearly as well, but he never showed it. It is shameful to himself, it's the same with his mother.
Sorry for the long reply, but that is how strongely I felt about this oneshot.
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