Nina: Nina can't believes it is Halloween again already! It's Nina's favorite holiday!
Ayu: Just you wait, Nina, this is going to be the best Halloween ever! The minions told me that there's a house just beyond the corn maze that has the most extravagant decorations and the most delicious candy known to man!
Roxie: Just beyond the corn maze? Doesn't that require actually walking through the corn maze?
Ayu: Yeah well...nothing good in life is easy you know!
Rita: Do you know how complicated that maze is, Ayu? Our neighbor went in there last October and nobody could find her until April.
Ayu: Yeah, well I have suspicions about that neighbor. Plus she didn't have my extensive corn maze knowledge! We'll be fine!
Ivory: Why do you make mazes with corn? Is that an odd Earth tradition?
Thea: Shush.
Nina: Wow.
Ayu: I bet you this thing stretches for miles!
Ivory: I don't see any corn.
Thea: Oh zip it, Ivory.
1 hour later....
Ayu: Uh, this way. Yep yep. I'm sure it's this way.
Rita: Like you were sure the 10 other times?
Ayu: Some of those sharp turns were misleading. Any corn maze professional would make the same mistakes.
Thea: Face it, Ayu, you got us lost.
Ayu: I did no such thing! I am a trained---
Roxie: What was that?
Everyone: Wooooah!!!!!
Rita: Ooof.
Thea: What happened?
Thea: Are you ok?
Rita: Yeah. Where'd everyone go? Ayu? Ayu, this isn't funny!
Thea: I don't think this is one of Ayu's jokes, Rita. Ivory is missing too and she has no sense of humor. Maybe one of Nina's spells went awry again. One time she tried to grow a flower and our house fell into a sinkhole.
Violet: *tap tap* Hi.
Rita: Uh, hello. Do you know where our friends are?
Violet: Yup.
Rita: Care to share?
Violet: I eated them. Hehehehehe!
Thea: Very funny. Where are they?
Violet: I told you, I ate them. And now I'm going to eat you!!!!! ROOOOOOAAAAAAAR!!!!!
Rita: Run!
Thea: She has me by the hair! I can't escape!
Violet: Your hair looks like a brillo pad. Hahaha.
Thea: Hey! *punches Violet* Nobody insults my hair!
Rita: Hurry while she's down! Nice punch by the way.
Thea: Thanks! I almost snapped my wrist on her thick skull though.
Over with Nina & Ayu...
Nina: Nina wonders what happened to all the others.
Ayu: Ayu wonders if she's ever going to get to her candy.
Nina: Isn't Ayu worried about her sister and friends?
Ayu: Nah, they probably ditched us beause they didn't have faith in my amazing directional skills.
Nina: But what about all the shaking and rumbling?
Ayu: It was probably just a trick of the mind. Lack of candy can do that to a person.
Hansel: Braaaaains!!!! Eat their braaaaains!!!
Nina: Eeep!
Ayu: There's monsters in this maze?! Wow, we really lucked out didn't we, Nina?
Hansel & Gretel: Braaaaaaains!!!!!
Nina: No! Nina likes her brain!
Ayu: We're being chased on Halloween. Awesome!
Nina: What are we going to do? Nina doesn't want to be eaten by demon children on her favorite holiday. Nina doesn't want to be eaten on any day...
Ayu: Don't worry, I'll go and check it out. I bet you the monsters are actually pretty cool! Just stay here it'll be ok.
Nina: careful, Ayu.
Nina: EEEEEP!!! Ayu! Don't worry Nina's coming to save you!
Nina: Where's the monsters?
Ayu: They're gone. I was just joking.
Nina: That was very very mean! Nina was worried for your safety.
Ayu: Come on, Nina! What's Halloween without a little fright?
Nina: Weren't the monsters enough?
*loud, far away roar*
Ayu: Ooooh, I wonder where that came from.
Nina: EEEEEP! Ayu....
Ayu: What are you afraid of a silly little noise now...aaaaah!
Nina: *casts spell and Hansel and Gretel catch fire* Run Ayu!
Ayu: Grab the Pumpkin Pails!
Monsters: Fire!!!! Stop, drop and roll! Stop, drop and roll!
Ayu: Wow, Nina, you set them on fire! You're so hardcore! I didn't know you had it in you!
Nina: Actually, Nina only meant to zap them. The fire was an accident.
Ayu: Oh well, it was still cool! I wonder what other monsters are lurking in the maze.
Nina: Nina doesn't want to find out. Nina just wants to get out of here.
Ayu: I'm sure there's a way out of here. Come on, lets try this way.
Hansel and Gretel: Hi again.
Ayu: What? I thought you two were on fire!
Gretel: We stop, dropped and rolled. It's very effective.
Hansel: So now we can chase you again!
Nina: EEEEP!
Ayu: Follow me, Nina!
Meanwhile, with Ivory & Roxie...
Ivory: Is getting lost in a cursed maze an Earth custom as well?
Roxie: Ugh, how'd I get stuck with you again? Ever since we were kids I've aways gotten stuck listening to you and your ramblings.
Ivory: Oh, shush. I know how to get us out of here.
Ivory: *tries to cast spell*
Roxie: You done?
Ivory: But...but...I don't get it. How did that not work? I've practiced and practiced these spells.
Roxie: You don't think I've tried that already? This is a cursed maze. Those spells won't work on it.
Ivory: There must be some spell that will work on it...
Mad Hatter: Hello strangers, I am the Mad Hatter. Would you like to know how to exit the maze?
Ivory: Of course we do! What is it? What spell do I need to cast?
Mad Hatter: Before I tell you the way out, you must first answer a riddle for me.
Ivory: A riddle? Ok, how hard can that be?
Roxie: Ivory...maybe we shouldn't trust this person.
Ivory: What's the riddle?
Roxie: Ugh.
Mad Hatter: I am orange and have a stem, inside me you can turn on the light. You can carve a smile or carve grimace that will give you a fright.
Ivory: Is it a.....flashlight?
Roxie: You've got to be kidding me. It's a...
Ivory: Stop! I need to do this myself!
10 minutes later
Ivory: Face that will give a it a Barbie doll?
Roxie: Ugh, hurry up. There are bugs getting caught in my hair.
Mad Hatter: Time's up! You're too late!
Ivory: Too late? What do you mean? I'm sure if I have the adequate amount of time I can figure this out.
Mad Hatter: *hiss*
Roxie: Come on, I told you not to trust this person.
Ivory: No wait, I need to figure out the riddle!
Mad Hatter: Come back!!!!
Roxie: You're all here!
Rita: Yeah, but we're kind of in a bind here. A little help?
Roxie: Uh, I think we're cornered too.
Ivory: What do we do?
Thea: Stop with that noise! You always----.
Thea: Oh no, again?
Everyone: Oof.
Rita: Ouch, my head.
Roxie: Ouch, my arm.
Ayu: Ouch, my lack of candy.
Thea: Guys wait, I think we made it out of the maze.
Nina: *gasp* We're free!
Ayu: Candy!
Ivory: Well that was a, uh, very interesting experience. You know, Earth is a much weirder place than I thought it would be. I still wish I had enough time to figure out that riddle though...
Roxie: Ugh, the answer was a pumpkin, Ivory.
Rita: So what do you guys think happened? Why would they let us go like that?
Nina: Ummm...well Nina has a theory. You see Nina's been having this...odd problem lately. Whenever Nina pulls on her ear something weird happens. And well Nina accidentally pulled on her ear right before we all got seperated. And she pulled on it again right before we escaped.
Thea: You pulled...on your....ear?
Nina: Yes, just like this you see---.
Rita, Roxie, Ivory & Thea: NO!!!!
Ayu: You can pull on your ear later, Nina. Right now we need to get to trick or treating.
Random kids: *off camera* I can't believe we came all this way just to get to candy...
Ayu: No candy...? This can't be. What's going on...
Nina: Look there's Irma. Maybe she knows what's wrong.
Ayu: Hey Irma! Got a minute?
Ayu: Irma, everyone's walking out empty handed. What happened to all the candy?
Irma: I loaded it all into my trucks.
Rita: Your trucks?
Thea: Are you telling me that, after everything we've been though, you took all the candy for yourself?!?!?!?!?!
Irma: Yup.
Irma: Chill out. I think all of that hair is affecting your brain cells.
Ayu: I'll have you know that I have a large group of very devoted minions who will rip you limb from limb and send the pieces to Bora Bora if I tell them to.
Irma: Yeah yeah. You know what? I'm feeling generous today.
Irma: Have fun. See you guys around.
Everyone: Mine!
There you go! This was pretty difficult to shoot and I wish I had more time to work on the writing but I hope it was at least somewhat enjoyable and not too silly! My mom helped me come up with this idea and I instantly fell in love with it. I think she came up with it because she knew I wanted to go to a corn maze myself. Sadly, I wasn't able to make it to a corn maze this year but hopefully next year I'll get to have my own corn maze adventure!
Also, I apologize for and typos and grammar mistakes. I always proofread my stuff far too many times but somehow when I go back to these things years later I find them full of mistakes. :P