Halloween Pic-Fic 2012: We Meet Again...

Oct 31, 2012 22:38

Here we go, this year's picfic. I worked extremely hard on this one trying to get it all done before the storm came. It's pretty long, definitely the longest picfic I've ever done. I still can't believe that I finished it. It feels like a dream. This year's picfic is a sequel to the first Halloween picfic I did back in 2009, which I've reposted.

Frankentroll: Here's your pumpkin pail Miss Ayu.
Ayu: Thank you!
Pumpkintroll: And one for you Miss Nina.
Nina: Thanks, hehe.

Nina: You two are always so sweet. Nina loves you both!
Frankentroll: Aw...thank you Miss Nina.
Pumpkintroll: *blushes*
Boo: *high pitched voice* Bllloooooop!
Nina: Aw, Nina loves you too Boo!

Frankentroll: Well we need to head off to our very important troll convention now but we'll see you at the Halloween party!
Pumpkintroll: Bye.
Ayu & Nina: Bye!
Boo: *high pitched voice* Blooooop bloooop!

Ayu: They're the best aren't they?
Nina: Of course the best in the world!
Boo: *high pitched voice* Blooooop!
Ayu: I've always dreamed of having my very own minions and now I have some!
Nina: Oh Ayu...

Ayu: So where should we head off to first? We still have a bit more time before we have to meet up with the others.
Nina: Hmmmm...maybe we should go to Ms. Sally's house! She always gives out the best candy and her caramel apples are the best!
Ayu: Ooooh, good idea!

Over with Damien, Demetrius & Rita...

Damien: So no Tuxedo Mask outfit this year?
Demetrius: No, I couldn't find the guy anywhere.
Damien: Bummer...so then what are we going as this year then?
Demetrius: I dunno...badly dressed TaeYangs?
Rita: So just everyday wear then?
Damien: Ugh, shut up Rita.
Rita: Yeah yeah.

Roxie: Hey guys! Wait up!

Damien: There she is...there she is...do I have anything in my teeth?
Demetrius: TaeYangs don't have teeth...
Damien: Oh...right...
Rita: Haha, aw little brother has a crush on the white haired girl.
Damien: Do not...

Thea: Rita! I've missed you!
Rita: I've missed you too! How was it at the Magic Kingdom?
Thea: Eh, as good as to be expected. I'm happy to be back though.

Roxie: Hey Demetrius...Rita...uh Rita's brother.
Damien: Ayu...it's Ayu...I mean wait no Ayu is my twin sister. I'm Damien.
Roxie: Alrighty then...

Thea, Rita & Demetrius: *chat chat chat*
*awkward silence*
Damien: I just wanted to tell you that I think you have beautiful silver hair and it doesn't make you look like a granny at all.
Roxie: Uh...thank you? I think? *leaves*

Damien: I blew it...

Meanwhile with the W.I.T.C.H. and Sailor Moon girls...

Taranee: So Darien decided to go to the Qeqertarsuaq Island this Halloween in order to get away from that kid who always steals his tux?
Serena: Yeah, it's horrible. I feel so bad for him.
Rei: You would think that after what we did to those two little wimpy, squeaky jointed kids they would have learned their lesson.

Irma: Yeah yeah poor Darien has to go on a vacation. Boohoohoo. Cry me a river.
Will: Irma!
Mina: Hehe.

Irma: We're forgetting about the most important part of Halloween! CANDY! And with my super mind powers we're bound to get more candy then ever before!

Cornelia: Ugh...
Irma: Got a problem, Corny?
Cornelia: Oh no it's nothing. It's just every year you make us run around and work us to death trying to gather more candy then you gathered the past year. It would be nice to sit down and take a break for a while.
Irma: PUH-LEEZE! There's no times to take breaks when there's candy involved!
Cornelia: For you maybe, not for me.

Irma: Am I hearing what I think I am hearing? Lita, did I just hear what I think I heard?
Lita: Uh...yes?
Irma: This is blasphemous! Blasphemous I tell you!!!!

Hay Lin: Just humor her Cornelia or you'll be hearing about it all year.
Cornelia: Fine...but you owe me a months worth of free dinners at The Silver Dragon.

Cornelia: I'll go on your little trick or treating thing again, Irma. But no breaking into any stores and stealing whatever candy they have left this year.
Irma: Yeah yeah. Whatever. So where should we head first?
Mina: Ms. Sally always gives out the best candy!
Ami: And her caramel apples are the best!

Irma: It's settled then Ms. Sally's it is. Come on girls!
Rei: Woohoo!
Mina: Yay!
Hay Lin: I hope Ms. Sally has some big sugary donuts like last year!

Back to Nina and Ayu...

Ayu: Wow it looks like the line is shorter this year. It only goes around a block and a half. We really lucked out.
Nina: Yeah! Nina....eeeep!!!!!
Ayu: Nina eeep? What?
Nina: Eeeeeep!
Ayu: Is this some kind of magic kingdom talk?
Nina: EEEEEEEEPPP!!!! *runs away*

Ayu: Nina wait up!
Boo: *high pitched voice* Blooooop!

Ayu: Nina what's wrong? Don't tell me you got scared by some silly little costume. I'll let you in on a secret most of the people in those costumes are either little kids who don't know what 2 plus 2 is or teenagers who don't know what 2 plus 2 is.
Nina: No. Nina saw someone...well some people...some people who don't like Nina.
Ayu: Who wouldn't like you now? You're adorable!

Nina: Well...they have a perfectly good reason not to like Nina...
Ayu: What is it?
Nina: Remember when Nina told you about the time Nina and Demetruis dressed up as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask?
Ayu: Yeah, so? Oh wait, that was them?
Nina: Mmmhmm...
Ayu: Well that's no big deal. It was all in good fun. After all pranking is a part of Halloween!

Nina: But wouldn't Ayu be mad if someone stole her costume?
Ayu: Well yeah I'd hunt down and beat up anyone who...oh. Well that's not going to happen to you! After all they beat you up once already why should they hold a grudge for this long?
Nina: Would Ayu hold a grudge?
Ayu: Well...yeah. But hey maybe they're better people than I am. After all I might be a...um...tad possessive and selfish.

Nina: Demetrius has been stealing Tuxedo Mask's outfit for the past 3 years. They're bound to be still mad. Nina doesn't know what to do...
Ayu: Just forget about it. They probably left Ms. Sally's House by now and chances are we won't bump into them again. Alright?
Nina: Ok...
Ayu: Now turn that frown upside-down!
Nina: Hehe, ok Ayu.

Now with Averyl, Alexis, Adelina and Abcde...

Averyl: I don't know if I really want to go guys. We all remember what happened to me a couple years back right...
Alexis: So a little girl stole your candy, big deal. You're just worried about your bruised pride.
Abcde: Pride goeth before the fall. Also did you know that your nose is the window into your brain?
Averyl: Uh, right Abcde... You know it's ok I'm fine. Let's go I can deal with it.

Averyl: I'm fine...I'm fine...Oh hahaha you think you're going to mug me little kid well think again!
Adelina: Don't mind her she has issues.
Alexis: Aw come on don't stop her now, Adelina. This is hilarious!

Averyl: Alright, alright. I'm fine. Deep breath. No one is going to steal my candy again this year.
Adelina: That's the spirit. Now where should we head off toward first?
Alexis: Ms. Sally's of course.
Abcde: Best. Caramel apples. EVER.

Averyl: Look that's her! It's the pixie that mugged me.
Adelina: It's probably just someone in a similar costume. Calm down Averyl.
Averyl: I'm telling you it's the same girl!
Alexis: It kinda does look like her...
Adelina: Don't encourage her.

Averyl: I've decided I'm going to go up to her and steal HER candy. See how she likes it.
Adelina: Averyl it's not the same girl. She's just a kid talking to her friend. Leave her alone.
Abcde: Just think of it...if you take her candy the poor little kid is going to be scarred for life and will end up in therapy. Think of that kid 40 years from now, laying on the couch in a therapist's office, crying about how a mean girl stole her candy on Halloween when she was just a kid.
Alexis: Awesome. So do you want someone to hold her back, Averyl?
Adelina: ALEXIS!
Alexis: Ok ok. Sorry.

Adelina: Let's just all calm down and go do some trick or treating. Alright?
Averyl: ...ok. It IS her though.
Adelina: Sure it is.

Alexis: Just play cool. We'll go follow her when they're not looking.

Back to the Sailor Scouts and Guardians of the Veil...

Serena: *gasp* It's her!
Will: Who?
Serena: The girl who stole my Sailor Scout uniform!

Rei: I'm going to go over there and give them a piece of my mind!
Irma: Rei wait!
Rei: No one is going to say anything that will stop me!
Irma: Jeez don't get your panties in a twist I was going to join you, not stop you. Let's go.
Ami: Maybe this isn't the best idea...
Irma and Rei: Yeah yeah.

Rei: Hey you two!
Nina: EEEEP!
Ayu: Oh crap.
Nina: N-n-n-nina Nina Nina n-Nina. Eeeep!!!!! *runs away*

Ayu: Nina stop!
Irma: Oooh boy I love a good chase on Halloween!
Rei: Follow her!
Ayu: Nina wait for me!

Nina: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
Demetruis: Nina? Ayu? What's going on?
Irma: *off camera* Chaaaaaaaarge!!!!!

Back to Alexis and Averyl...

Alexis: Come on they went this way.
Averyl: There she is! Oh I've dreamed about this moment! I've had nightmares for years about pixies stealing my candy.
Alexis: Wait stop. It looks like they're fighting with someone.
Averyl: Hey it's Nina. They were fighting with her couple years ago, remember? Jeez do they do this every year?

Adelina: There you are!
Abcde: I used my spidey senses to follow you two.
Averyl: Shhh I'm listening to the fight!

Serena: Don't think you can run! We are the Sailor Scouts and the Guardians of the Veil! You can't hide from us!
Cornelia: And we still have great hair!
Nina: N-Nina knows. Nina heard this before. N-n-Nina doesn't want to run. I was trying to tell you something before but...
Serena: It's too late for talking.

Ayu: HEY! Let her talk or....um....I set my ghost on you!
Boo: *high pitched voice* Blooooop?

Demetrius: Hey what's going on here? Oh....um Sailor Moon is it? Hi. Long time no see...
Serena: YOOOOOOOOU!!!!!
Demetrius: No need to get angry here...

Nina: STOP!!!! Nina knows that Nina and Demetrius were mean to Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask a couple years ago and Nina knows we were wrong. But that doesn't mean that we should fight. Fighting is never an answer. Nina and Demetrius aren't bad people and we would like to make it up to you guys. Truce? Please. Nina would really like it if we could put this behind us and become friends. Nina would also really like it if you didn't beat her up again. Nina's weak Pullip joints were never the same after last time...
Serena: I don't know...we're going to have to talk this over. Girls?!

*whisper whisper whisper*
Irma: I say if they give us all of their candy...
Taranee: Irma stop!

Serena: Alright...we've come to the conclusion that...we'll forgive you.
Nina: Yay! Thank...
Will: BUT you have to promise to NEVER steal Sailor Moon's or Tuxedo Mask's outfits again.
Nina: We promise! Thank you so much!
Demetruis: I promise too...I'm sorry I did it in the first place. It's just a tough world out there for a badly dressed TaeYang...and Tuxedo Mask's outfit was just so awesome...

Nina: Nina really is sorry, Nina didn't say that just so you wouldn't beat her up. Nina hopes that we could be friends now.
Serena: Yeah...being friends would be nice. I would like that.

Ayu: First off, I would like to say that I'm very proud of you Nina.
Nina: Aw, because Nina stood up for herself and was able to resolve a problem without any violence?
Ayu: No, because you said I instead of Nina for once. I don't think I've ever heard you talk out of third person. And second, us Pullips are having a Halloween party tonight and you're all welcome to come tonight.
Irma: Woohoo party! We're there!

Everyone: *chat chat chat*
Ayu: Wow everyone seems to be getting along great now. Amazing what a few minutes can do, huh?
Serena: Hehe, yeah everyone seems to have meshed right away.
Nina: So...Sailor Moon...Nina noticed last time Nina met Sailor Moon's friends that they have magical powers...does Sailor Moon have magical powers too?
Serena: Yeah, what about it?
Nina: Well, you see, Nina has magical powers too...
Serena: Really?
Nina: Yup! Nina is a witch from the Magic Kingdom.
Ayu: I don't have magical powers but I love all things magical!
Serena: Wow, I had no idea. One day I discovered a cat with a bandage on it's forehead and...you know it's a long story. How about we go to lunch one day and discuss this all? You can come too Ayu.
Ayu: I'd love to!
Nina: Nina would love to as well.
Serena: I think this is the start of the beautiful friendship guys.
Nina: Hehe, Nina does too.

Abcde: Oh look the pixie flew away...
Alexis: She walked right past you and you didn't do anything? Why?
Averyl: I don't know...I...I choked. I mean there were so many of them...I didn't stand a chance.
Adelina: It's for the best if you ask me.

Irma: Hey! I thought I recognized you! You're the girl who gave me her candy. Long time no see!
Averyl: You...yooooou...steal...candy...gave?!?!
Irma: Yeah about that...you know today is a day of resolutions so how about we put all of this candy business behind us alright?
Averyl: I'd...I'd like that. I could finally have closure, you know? All these years I've felt like I had this empty place in my heart left over from the candy you stole from me. Maybe if we put this behind us I can finally feel whole again.
Irma: Yeah yeah sure that's great. Glad we had this conversation. Sooooo....

Irma: I'm still taking all of your candy.
Averyl: Wait what?!?!
Irma: One.
Adelina: ....

Irma: Two.
Averyl: ....

Irma: Three.
Alexis: ....

Irma: Four.
Abcde: ....

Irma: Bye girls, it was nice seeing you! We should do this again next year!

Averyl: This is why I haven't gone trick or treating for the past two years...


So there it is. I'm so proud of this one. Like I said before I still can't believe I got it done. It was stressful at times trying to get it finished but it was all worth it now that I see the finished product. I felt such nostalgia while I was taking the pictures. It really brought me back to when I was doing the first Halloween picfic. It's really an unexplainable feeling.

irma, sailor moon, hay lin, taranee, nina, lita, picfic, halloween, thea, taeyang, troll doll, ayu, ami, mina, frankentroll, alexis, w.i.t.c.h., pullip, damien, rita, theodore, demetrius, abcde, october, cornelia, averyl, alvin and the chipmunks, will, rei, adelina, ellowyne wilde

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