Music: “Someday” by Nickleback
Mood: Cynical
A warning for the close minded. This may offend some people.
Seeing as how my journal ATE my entry on humans and why how they look down upon others, time for another discussion. This one is about religion, or more specifically Christianity. I claim myself as a Christian you know. And yet, I don’t go to church. I refuse to in fact. So does that make me any less of a believer?
Well, what makes a Christian huh? Just one simple belief: a belief that Christ died for our sons and is the son of God. That’s it. Anything else is just details and an individual adding their own thoughts and opinions and getting others to follow them. People who perhaps initially wanted to spread the word of god, and later decided that with people following them around like they were shepards perhaps they could add other beliefs, and claim it in the name of God and Christ. How could people refuse?
Slowly, individuals stood who refused to believe the first church’s beliefs, as word after word, “handed down by God,” was thrust down upon them and they were expected to just add them to their beliefs. Nothing wrong with that… but they ended up taking people with them who also dissented, and claiming this belief system, to be a new faction of the same religeon. Thus came new faction, after new faction, after faction, dividing those who once stood together.
I don’t believe in factions, and I refuse to claim a denomination. You ask me? I always disagree with something. You want to be techinal? You could say I have my own faction but I don’t. I have my own beliefs… sometimes I wonder if others do too. That in reality everyone believes something different, and what if we all claimed factions? Millions of Christian factions would be spawned… To me, factions are an idea that must have come from hell itself. Power corrupts, twists.
Along with power comes something else: money. And what good lil faction could run without money? And guess what, a dollar out of the goodness of a persons heart isn’t enough in some churches, their time isn’t enough. Instead, some churches figure why not charge them a percentage? Claim it is by the will of god, that if they don’t tithe they’ll get the ultimate punishment: Hell. It’s the ultimate bank robbery, all claimed under the name of God. Twenty five percent. What are you going to do with that money huh? You’ll just indulge it in evil, so might as well give it to the church where God can use it to make a bigger church and raise even more money? Is it just me that sees something wrong with that?
That’s not to say all preachers and churches are evil and feel like that. Many do now, but this mostly applies to the original people. The current generations, many just follow how they were raised. One cant really blame them. Its safe to follow the beliefs of your parents, not to stray away but…
One has to wonder. How many actually go to church anymore and are moved? How many sit there bored to death, toning the preacher out, thinking about the day… anything BUT connect to God? A great many Im sure. Leads one back to an old saying I once heard, about ones body being a temple to God. Maybe its not really the body persay, but the mind. Close your eyes, and one can connect to God. Whether it be on a street corner, an alley, a home, one need only close their eyes and be connected. So then why the church anyways? A need to belong perhaps. Reassurance that they’ll be going to Heaven? Its hard to say. I see it as really well, something that has long outlives its purpose.
I believe in the possibility of myths being reality. I believe there are more than one side to every issue, and that people hat are not Christians certainly aren’t bound for Hell like some do believe. I believe if anything is going to Hell, it is those who believe everyone but them are going. I believe a lot really I guess, more than even I thought. But thenm through it all, Im still a Christian. Funny eh?
Anyways, enough rambling from me. Any longer, and Ill turn brains to muuuush. I think I already have. Man. X-x
Griff, Over and Out