Music: "I Need a Hero" from Shrek2
Mood: Amused
So today I start my vacation, thought I wont be leaving town until Friday. YEEEEEEES! *Wriggles happily* I decided poor Cid will have to wear a wig. With it being Halloween finding one was easy, not I just have to STYLE it. o-O Still need to sew he patches, gather allof my needed supplies for the weekend, and just well, a lot in general. *Laughs* Im up to my eeeeears and I love it!
I actuallly had a dream... TWO of them. Though neitehr admittedly made sense. In the first I was running away from someone, noone I knew, and was shot. The shot was aimed for my heart, but it instead lodged into my right index finger. I kept trying to find a hospital, but as things ended up, it was just some crazy commercial and I ended up ON A REGISTER. With the line from Hell if I might add. o-O;
The second involved me as something I only ever had one rp character be: a vampire. This one was a bit darker though and I was a guy, heading in a fight between me holding a blade, and the other person holding a axe. There was a mighty battle but for some reason I was already injured and ended up falling. Though, I would not die. Instead I looked back up, teeth gritted as I tried to fend off a dagger. My wrist ended up slit, which stopped my attacker. She was drawn to the veins, which for some reason glowed all sorts of colors. And finally, she decided she could not kill me. She went to attack the main vampire, and for sme reason I dsecided I wanted to fight too! o-O
Crazy kids and their dreams eh? :P Im not going even try to analyze them, though Im curious. Maybe I rpd too late last night? o-O Perhaps someone close to be is a tad bit frustrated with me? Walmart ate my braaaains again? No clue, just felt Id share. *Laughs*
Griff, off to cleancleanclean and try to finish Cid up/