Music: Evangelion Soundtrack
Mood: Busy
Finally finished almost all of my journal updatings, and started off at least Steiner for the new rp Im in, finalfantasy_rp Looks promising, and well Steiner's already off defending the castle from Anima and Kefka while Vivi, Zidaine, and even Kuja are there.
I have a lot to do today, so little time. o-O;;; And yet Im updating my journal. *Laughs* Go figure! At any rate, the adware is still drving me fuckin crazy. x-x
Dreakun and I had another great night, as well as I rpd a bit with Jeff. I tell you, its a lot of fun, hes so full of plotbunnies. *Grins* That and Leona for me, is a fun character. I may add her to the list of my rp characters. Why? Because everyone needs a happy go lucky catgirl. :P Though, I wonder how shed fare sitting by all of my other chars, most of which are bog, cursing, and manly. O_O Yep, Leona would own them.
Enough on that now though. *Smiles* Im off towards ther things. Got chores to do, costume to finish, costume to plan, all of that said fun stuff. So, catch you later!
Griff, Proud of yet another pointless entry