Music: "I Need a Hero" from Shrek 2
Mood: Scared
Damn.... just damn. I was getting my reading when this man came through lawn and garden, and saw the register wasnt open. He didnt lash out towards me or the CSM, but instead towards the woman he was with, who had a cart with a kid sitting in the basket. He launched into a barrage of swear words at hber, saying "Who the fucking Hell said this register would be open damn it!" at the top of his lungs... before proceeding to kick at anything closeby as he still swore.
In one terrifying moment, he took the cart he had and rammed it against the cart with the kid in it as he screamed. The CSM with me called an M5 and he ran but... the incident left me quite shaken. I think I still am, though nothing was directed at me. Afterwards there was this... fear of the incident and a part in my heart that seemed to hurt. I think that the force of his crazy, or drug indiced anger produced enough force to shatter past any empathic walls I have... because it feels like an empathic throb, empathic fear. To put things simply, it scared the shit out of me. Shot somehting to Hell, and I havent put it back together yet. You know at one point my empathic fear I thought I was going to die? I kept thinking Holy shit... this is it.
Didnt help that earlier today, I did something that slightly worries me. I was talking to a person when I said "How are you- How are you today? And I skipped/repeated a sentence not once like that, but twice. Should I be worried? *Blinks*
On a good note, a customer compliemented me for doing a job right today. *Smiles slightly* I'll be all right. Just give me time. *nods*
Griff, Shaken and Maybe Stirred