Day off!

Aug 28, 2004 13:23

Mood: Loved

*Laughs* So its my day off today, and I even have tomorrow off as well. Wow, a whole weekened. Damn lawn and garden's good to me! *Shakes head* Why did I ever even doubt coming there? Now lets see, I have quite a few entries I want to make for today, so here we go. First off, a shoutout!

A shoutout is in order yes, soemthing I said Id do earlier in the week but alas, walmart is evil and it sucks out your braaaaaains. Anyways, this shout out if for Dreakun! *Huggles*

I have never had the best memory, but I remember very clearly when we first met. Back then I didnt have too many rps going, I believe just Rough Caresses actually! Anyways, I kept noting a member who posted but stayed on the outside of the main group, a Tife Lockheart. She seemed nice enough, definityl articulate... why wasnt she with the main group? Time zones? So I added her to my friends list and found out it was time, though she would often come on what is considered pretty late here. So, only one thing left to do.

Aeris came forth, to greet Tifa halfway. And things just went from tehre. I remember us both being nervous as Hell, but we kept at it. And through several nights of rping and such I found myself... drawn to her. It was odd, almost like an instant bond, you know? But it was undeniably there, and very, very real indeed. How I dont know, but it was there plain as day.

I put it off as my imagination anyways, until one day she brought a question to me. I dont recall the exact wording used, but I do know taht I replied by explaining about soulsibs. Now taht I think about it, more was probably meant to the question than that... (did you love me since then Dreakun? *blinks*) but I didnt think on taht. At the time I was still with Raz, and though things were fraying a bit we were still quite strong.

It made sesnse, and we became soulsibs that night. And slowly things deepened. I wonddered, why did I always feel so happy, relieved, and sometimes even giggly when I saw her come on? How was it her screens gained priority when I was on AIM? Then things went KERBLOOEY between well... you already know about that. Dreakun had left something very important for me to read and I did. And I was hesitant... after all I had just well, you know. But, I finally decided to listen to my own heart, and thus I agreed. I told her everything. *Smiles* And.. it was a great feeling.

Is, it still is a great feeling everytime I say I love you to her. She is one of the kindest, empathic, trusting, open people I know. She listens to me, provides good advice, and the silliness to get me through. She also seems to know exactly what to say, something uncanny to say the least. *Grins* But cool.

Alas, I better stop now before I drown you all in my sappiness and such. :P But take care and catch you all later!

Griff, Bouncy but Currently swearing out her cell phone...
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