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Oct 08, 2006 17:54

so my weekend has been... well it definately hasnt been boring. it involves parties, movies, emergency rooms, backhanded across the face, and crunk friends.

friday. i was bored so i went over to cajun's room and hungout there. then we went to a sponge party where i didnt drink. cajun erin and i left early and went to his room to watch a movie. we were watching ghostbusters when erin decides to go to bed. then cajun and i finished the movie and were gonna watch x-3 but it wasnt playing right so we watched some comedian instead. i was there really late and i was REAL tired but i didnt leave when i shouldve. i was getting a terrible mirgraine and i didnt take my perscription so it was a hell of a night of pain. he offered to drive me to the ER if i needed him to in the morning. i ended up waking up arlo to take me which was a better idea since i was there forever. im skipping ahead though. i woke up that night crying. in pain. at 230, 4,615,and 8. i finally got up at 10 and was like "oh hell no". so we left at like 11 am. and then i got there and they freaked me out by saying they needed to see if i was having a stroke which isnt uncommon for girls my age. then they brought arlo back (after i had to put on a gown) and they decided to give me an IV. they then injected 2 shots through my IV one which burned like no other and i couldnt touch my hand. the IV made my whole arm freeze. i ended up passing out since i hadnt slept. then they let me go after forever aka 3 pm.

i called cajun cuz he said he would help me up the stairs since i couldnt do it on my own BUT i couldnt get a hold of him and i had to stumble my way up the stairs on my own. i then crashed until about 730. i went to kristyn's room and ate like 2 or 4 saltines and called it a meal. then cajun was gonna stop by BUT of course issues came up and i ended up dragging my sick ass to see his crunk ass. i will admit he was still very sweet. he kept asking ever 5-10 minutes to see if i was ok. then when we all went outside for their smoke break im not sure what or how it happend but he was a little too happy and i got back handed across the left cheeck which just happened to be the side with the migraine. he was like IM SORRY im sorryimsorryimsorryimsorry and he kept touching me to make sure i was still whole or im not even sure lol.

the night ended with cajun passing out and as jon and i were leaving he turns to me and says "he looks so cute when he sleeps." lmfao

i said i would take it easy today. so full out dancing for 3 hours counts right? then i took a shower and almost passed out and it dawned on me. i havent eaten since like noon on friday. so i had 2 saltines and like 1/2 an apple. now im working feeling like shit. w00t and huzzah....kill me.
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