Dec 05, 2005 12:53
The Holiday Season is upon us all once again. It's funny how much different it is for me this year than it was last year.
Things I didn't have last year that I have this year:
-A steady job
-Friends around me
-Open lines of communication with my friends in New York
Ok, now that my first list is done, time for business. Life has been interesting lately. Not bad, just interesting. I'm trying to be happy with everything, trying to not slip into that darker place. I can't wait until I get my full time benefits so I can see a doctor. I have so much I still have to fight with, and I think it's time I admit what I am to everyone. I have been telling people here little by little that I'm bipolar. The reactions have been good. People don't think any less of me for it. Mary has been very supportive through it all. I love her so much.
But everyone is asking what do I want for Christmas. So it's time for a top ten.
Top Ten Things Dennis wants for Christmas
10. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for PS2
9. JK Rowling to finish the seventh Harry Potter book (Ok, not going to happen)
8. A UGA hoodie
7. To get my East Hoodie back (Ok, also not going to happen)
6. Money
5. A sound system for my room (Ok, I am getting that along with #2)
4. A bottle of Captain Morgan's and Jack Daniel's
3. To hear from all my buddy in New York on Christmas
2. An Ipod (Ok, my parents already bought it, and its in the house.)
1. Spend time with my wonderful girlfriend