More Miami pictures:
My aunt and her husband, Jose, dancing. I love these pictures of them.
More dancing.
Maricruz. : )
Great uncle: Rodolfo; regular uncle: Othon; aunt: Veronica.
Same. : D
For the party, we cooked a whole pig in this box ("la caja china"). It was scrumptious.
Cousin, Andrew, standing by the fire of la caja china, looking pensive. I caught him unawares. : )
Cousin, Alex and a friend of hers.
A REALLY bad picture of my grandmother.
Another bad picture of my grandmother. Not AS bad, but still bad. I have trouble taking pictures of her for some reason.
Cousin RC on the left, his best friend in the middle and the best friend's sister (and RC's girlfriend) on the right, watching people play DDR.
The girlfriend.
RC and his best friend.
Andrew, close up. VERY close up. XD
My step-sister. : )
Nessy and Karina (stepsister) playing DDR. As you can tell, we play a LOT of DDR in our family. Heh.
Karina, DDR.
So, I mentioned that apart from the Chinese New Year, we were also celebrating four people's birthday, right? Well, these are three of the fourth. Unfortunately, the fourth was asleep by this time, so we had cake without her. : )
Jenny. I dont think I need to mention how much I LOVE this picture. : )
The cake. It was yum.
Candle-blowing. Okay, this may seem like a REALLY bad picture, but you know what? It's one of my favourites.
More candle-blowing. Chris, this time.
And last but not least, Nessy candle-blowing.
And that's all I've got for now. There will be more. : )