Jack/Sawyer slashiness

Feb 24, 2006 13:25

I've decided to post all my fic in my own journal as well as comms ^^

This is veddy slashy, but enjoy! =D

Title: Part 1 - Lickity Split, Part 2 - Follow the Leader, Part 3 - Join In
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Jack, Sawyer, Kate
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Genre: Smuttyness
Rating: All three are NC17 for sexual content, though the first two are milder than the third
Warnings: Slashy slashy! Mucho kissing and sweating and sexing transpire!
Spoilers: Spoilers for the hatch, I guess... kinda but not really
Disclaimer: LOST belongs to genius JJ Abrams, not me.
Author's Notes: Each story will have a seperate summary and word count under the cut so I dont spoil people just reading them now.
Beta: Jules saturnine_tears
Dedication: Julsie for encouraing me to have a smutty mind xD
Feedback: Is like love; the more the better and you can never have too much. Please love me give me feedback!!!

Part One - Lickity Split
Summary: Sawyer and Jack play with something Sawyer stole from the hatch...
Word Count: 1434

"Jack. Jack, wake up." A quiet, hoarse voice penetrated Jack's dreams, and he slowly opened his eyes to see Sawyer leaning over him. He jumped slightly and then made a sleepy, questioning look. Sawyer smiled and held out a hand. Jack took it and let Sawyer pull him into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes while he tried to clear the fuzziness out of his mind.

"What do you want?" Jack asked slowly, his voice throaty. Sawyer grinned mischievously and set down his bag in front of Jack. Jack looked down at it and then back at Sawyer with a raised eyebrow. "Okay?"

"Open it up, Jacko... see what I snatched from the hatch." said Sawyer, excitement lacing his tone. Eyebrow still raised, Jack grabbed the bag and dragged it towards him. When it sat in his lap he began to open it, fingers fumbling as he was still sleepy.

"You shouldn't have taken anything..." Jack commented as he finally managed to pull the zipper. "Everything in the hatch is supposed to be rationed and--" Jack cut himself off as he saw what was in the bag, much to Sawyer's amusement.

"Well?" said Sawyer, looking at him eagerly. Jack reached in and pulled out a can of whipped cream. He looked at it indifferently for a moment, but when he looked back at Sawyer, his eyes were shining.

"You're on." Jack said with a grin, getting to his feet and running off into the jungle with the can. Laughing, Sawyer took off after him, following the noise of his footsteps and trying not to run into a tree through the dark jungle. He heard Jack's footsteps slow, and he slowed as well, trying to pinpoint the location of the other man. He suddenly saw him just up ahead, jogging forward through a patch of clearing where the moonlight shone through the canopy. Sawyer sped up and tackled him, knocking him to the ground in the middle of the clearing. Struggling underneath him, Jack was laughing and panting, trying to push Sawyer away as the Southerner tried to wrench the can out of his hands. Eventually Sawyer gave up on trying to grab it physically, and instead kissed Jack, who immediately stopped thrashing and kissed him back. It had worked like a charm and Sawyer reached his hand towards Jack's, snatched the can and stood, chuckling at the look on Jack's face. Surprised and out of breath, Jack had put on a "I-should-have-seen-that-coming" face as he hauled himself off the ground.

"You gonna build a fire or what?" Jack asked demandingly, trying not giggle as Sawyer smacked him in behind. He rubbed his rear end, pretending to be hurt, as Sawyer set about making a fire. After a moment Jack joined him and in no time they had a huge fire going, radiating heat so intense that they were already sweating. Jack flopped down beside the fire and looked up at Sawyer, watching the flickering flames reflected in his eyes.

"What about Kate?" Jack asked suddenly, realizing he forgot.

"She's asleep, I checked." Sawyer answered, putting a last log on the fire. "Don't you worry Doc, Freckles ain't gonna walk in on us." Sawyer assured Jack, flopping down beside him.

"She suspects us..." Jack told him, poking him in the ribs. Sawyer laughed and pressed his forehead to Jack's.

"And she has every reason to...." Sawyer said, a definite though quiet growl to his voice that made Jack shiver. Without warning Sawyer pounced, knocking Jack flat on his back and kissed him passionately. Their tongues twisting and tangling, they rolled around for a while, barely managing to not roll into the fire on a few occasions. Jack frantically sought the hem of Sawyer's shirt, and when he found it he peeled the heated garment from his sweating torso, and sat up enough for Sawyer to be able to do the same to him. Their hands roved over each other's exposed, heated skin, wet from the sweat of passion and heat from the fire, and both could barely breathe from the exertion.

After many long moments, Sawyer pulled away, leaving Jack's chest heaving as he lay weakly on his back on the ground, feeling bits of leaves and dirt stick to his skin. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to catch his breath, listening to the crackling of the fire as Sawyer looked around for the can they'd forgotten about. Finding it finally at the edge of the clearing, he silently popped the lid off and shook it up. He walked over to wear Jack was lying with his eyes closed, and squirted a line of whipped cream in the center of his chest, from the bottom of his neck to just past his belly button. Jack gasped at the sudden chill on his skin and opened his eyes to see what Sawyer had done. Grinning, he swiped a finger tip and licked it, savoring the taste. Sawyer smacked his hand.

"That's mine. You'll have your own soon." he said teasingly. Jack stuck his tongue out at Sawyer, who grinned and touched his own tongue to Jack's before the man had gotten it back in his mouth. Sawyer moved to Jack's side and lay half on top of him, looking down at the bright white streak straight down his lover's chest and stomach. Jack was full of excitement and when Sawyer leaned in, Jack closed his eyes, awaiting the first feeling. Sawyer licked tentatively at first, experimenting, tasting the sweet richness of the dessert topping mingled with the salty taste of Jack's flesh. He grinned with a seductive look in his eyes and went to work, licking off the cream all the way up Jack's body, making sure the skin was thoroughly clean of every tiny drop of the white cream. Every time he felt Jack shudder beneath him his heart raced, ecstatic with the feelings he was eliciting in both of them. He kissed Jack's flesh as well, once the areas were clear of the whipped cream, his lips firmly massaging his muscular skin, the odd place that was a bit fleshier. The nearer Sawyer got to Jack's neck, the more excited the man got. He moaned several times as Sawyer closed the space between his ribs and his neck, and as soon as he had reached the space, Jack's arms wrapped around him, massaging his back and neck roughly.

Sawyer buried his face into Jack's neck, passionately kissing, sucking, biting occasionally. Jack
feared he was going to burst, and eventually pulled Sawyer into a fiery kiss, both of them panting harder than before, drenched with sweat. Jack felt around for the can at his side, and finally his fingers found the cold metal, never taking his lips from Sawyer's. He did his best to aim and squirted some of the cream on Sawyer's neck, and finally pulling away from his lips, started licking and sucking away the cream from Sawyer's flesh. Forgetting about the dessert topping, Jack moved down to Sawyer's chest and kissed him firmly all over his torso, his lips and tongue working Sawyer's firm, muscular flesh eagerly. Sawyer shuddered and Jack rolled him onto his back, making his embrace easier as now there was nothing restricting him. He moved all over Sawyer's torso, from his stomach to his neck and back again. Sawyer groaned gutturally, and Jack felt himself slowly getting exhausted, as he knew Sawyer must also be feeling. Eventually he eased up and kissed the other man, their tongues massaging each other's more tamely this time, less passion, more love. After a while they pulled away at the same time and lay back, Sawyer's arm behind Jack's shoulders as they stared up at the stars.

"I guess we should go back..." said Jack quietly after a long while. Their fire was starting to die, and they were aware they had been gone a long time. Sawyer nodded and slowly got up, pulling Jack to his feet. They found their shirts and pulled them on after brushing off each other's backs. Sawyer found the can and held it wistfully.

"There's still a lot left..." he told Jack. Jack smiled devilishly at him.

"Well, we can't let it go to waste... we'll have to use it again soon so it doesn't expire..." said Jack innocently, winking at Sawyer. Sawyer grinned and put out the fire, and then joined Jack. The two men wandered back to camp holding hands, only parting company when they were within feet of the caves, each already looking forward to their next meeting...

Part Two - Follow the Leader
Summary: Suspiscious Kate follows Jack and Sawyer into the jungle and gets a free show...
Word Count: 1559

Sawyer crept quietly along the path, using his senses besides his eyesight as it was pitch black. He slunk down the path towards the caves, and quietly entered the stone dwelling. Everyone seemed to be asleep, aside from Jack, whom Sawyer saw cross the flat rocky surface at the outside of the caves to enter his own. Sawyer followed him and managed to sneak inside Jack's cave as the man lit a small fire for light and warmth, the doctor's back to him. Sawyer grinned and crept up behind him, then suddenly pounced, wrapping his arm around Jack's shoulders from behind and covering the man's mouth with his hand. Jack jumped several feet and gave a muffled yell of fright, immediately jabbing his elbow back into Sawyer's stomach. Sawyer grunted loudly in pain and doubled over, clutching his stomach as Jack whirled around. Sawyer moaned and kneaded his stomach, gasping for the air that had been elbowed out of him.

"Jesus... Remind me.. never to sneak up.. on you again, Doc..." he gasped, sitting down and leaning against the wall of the cave, looking up at Jack. Jack grinned ruefully.

"Well, at least if it was someone attacking me, I know how to aim, right?" Jack asked with a chuckle, holding out a hand to heave Sawyer up. "Sorry." he laughed as Sawyer winced when he stood.

"You're gonna regret that, Doc..." Sawyer growled as he stepped closer, intending to pull the man into a fierce kiss. But footsteps right outside the cave stopped him in his tracks, and both men stepped away from each other, trying to conceal guilty looks. Sawyer almost groaned out loud when he saw who it was; Kate. She already suspected them and he could only imagine how gleeful she would be after she figured this one out.

"Hey Jack, I--" Kate began, not looking up as she walked into the cave. But then she lifted her head; just in time to see them dart away from each other. She stopped in her tracks and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. "Sawyer, what are you doing here?" she asked in bewilderment, a slight smirk playing on her lips as her mind quickly placed two and two together.

"I got elbowed in the stomach, he's checkin' it out." Sawyer snapped, trying to regain his normal composure. "That alright with you Freckles?" Kate smiled.

"Someone's touchy." she commented, looking curiously at Sawyer. She glanced at Jack and immediately saw something in his eyes, something that he was trying to hide. Deciding not to comment on it, she asked Jack what she had come for. "Claire has a headache... I told her I'd get her some asprin." she told Jack. He nodded and hurried over to his medicine storage and shuffled through it. Meanwhile Kate was eyeing Sawyer again. "So, uh... Who elbowed you?" she asked, watching him holding his stomach. Sawyer shot her an annoyed glance, trying to get her to back off.

"Why do you care?" he asked.

"I don't," she replied cheerfully. "I'm just curious." Sawyer rolled his eyes and was saved answering by Jack returning with two headache pills. Kate took them with a quick thank you, and with a final glance back at the two of them, left the cave and was swallowed by the darkness of the night. Sawyer let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"That was really close..." Jack breathed, putting the bottle of mild pain killers back in his bag. Sawyer nodded, releasing the grip he had on his stomach. It didn't hurt anymore, though if he moved a certain way it twinged a bit.

"So..." said Sawyer, regaining his mischeivious air almost at once. "Wanna have some dessert?" Jack grinned and nodded. Sawyer started to hurry away, but Jack caught him by the arm.

"Wait till she's asleep, alright?" he said firmly. Sawyer sighed and nodded, and Jack let go of the man's arm. They flopped down beside the fire and waited a long time, almost an hour. Sawyer was almost asleep himself, when Jack stood, jolting Sawyer out of a doze. "Shhh." Jack whispered, putting a finger to his lips. Sawyer nodded and Jack strolled quietly out into the night, letting his eyes adjust before looking around the caves area, trying to spot Kate's body. Finally he did, near the edge of the clearing and he walked over to her. She lay on her side with her eyes closed, breathing softly. He smiled; she looked so innocent when she slept. He shrugged and carried on, making a looping turn and heading back to his cave, satisfied that she was out for the night.

He strode back into his cave to find Sawyer waiting, the half empty can of whipped cream in his hand. Jack grinned and grabbed a blanket; this time he didnt feel like having dirt stick all over his back. With a nod, they left the cave and quietly snuck along the boundaries of the caves, heading for a path near the edge of the rocky outcropping.

Several feet away, Kate opened her eyes, watching the two forms make their way out of the cave area. A slow smile crept over her face and after waiting a moment to give them time to get ahead, but no so far that she couldnt hear to follow them, she rose from where she was "sleeping", pulled on a long sleeve shirt and headed in the same direction as quietly as possible, buttoning the shirt as she went.

Jack and Sawyer spoke in hushed voices until they knew they were far enough away from camp to talk normally. Kate was grateful when they did raise their voices to normal; it was hard to follow hushed tones. Kate wondered how far they were going, and wasn't paying close enough attention when she stepped on a large stick and it snapped loudly, echoing through the still jungle. She froze in panic, her heart pounding so hard she feared it would leap from her chest as she heard the men's footsteps stop.

"Did you hear that?" she heard Sawyer ask in a hushed voice.

“Yeah...” Jack confirmed slowly, looking around. She heard them whispering, but she couldnt comprehend it, and Kate slowly bent down, curling herself into a small ball, now hidden by the long grass all around. She sighed with relief when she heard them start walking again after a few moments of silence. She waited another moment and then followed, being more careful now as she picked her way along in their wake. After several more minutes of walking she heard their footsteps stop, and in the absence of the noise they’d made walking, she was forced to stop as well, lest they hear her.

“Well, here we are...” commented Sawyer. “Shall we--”

“Nah.” Jack cut him off. “We don’t need a fire tonite. I’m sure we’ll keep ourselves warm enough....” there was a definite seductive tone to Jack’s voice, and Kate’s eyes were wide as she listened. Sawyer grinned.

“We sure will, doc...” Kate nearly gasped when she suddenly heard muffled sounds of kissing, but managed to clamp her hand over her mouth just in time. She stood still in shock for several moments, listening to the harsh breathing, the odd whimper or moan. Kate couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and as they made more noise, she crept a bit closer, staying in the shadows. Finally she found a place where she could see and not be seen, and she feasted her eyes.

Sawyer suddenly half-pushed, half dragged Jack to the ground, and Kate watched as the Southerner lay partially over the doctor, kissing him deeply and passionately. As shocked as Kate was, she had to admit it was rather intruiging to watch the two men go at it, especially when to everyone else, they had fairly successfully created a hating relationship with each other. Kate had to bite her finger to keep from giggling as Jack moaned and writhed beneath Sawyer, the Southern man getting all he could from Jack. After many long minutes of this, they finally peeled off each other’s shirts and continued kissing, one rolling on top of the other, the blanket and can of whipped cream forgotten. Still Kate watched, transfixed, as their bodies rolled over each other, the way their hands firmly massaged, the way they roved over each other’s bodies. She found herself feeling slightly giddy, and it alarmed her.

She kept watching, and Sawyer eventually pulled away, and Kate could see both of them were breathless, sweaty, full of passion. She watched as Sawyer slowly undid Jack’s button and zipper on his jeans. Kate suddenly felt awkward, and turned away. Now she really felt like she’d invaded them and as quietly as she could, stood and hurried away with a slight rustle of the bushes around her. At least she knew what they were up to now. After a moment Sawyer looked down at Jack, who was laying on his back, chest heaving.

“Did you see her?” Sawyer asked breathlessly. Jack nodded. “Think she’ll come back?”

“Hell yeah.” Jack nodded again. “And we’ll be ready for her... But for now...” Jack reached up and lay a hand on Sawyer’s neck, pulling him closer and kissing him deeply as Sawyer fought to remove Jack’s jeans.

Part Three - Join In
Summary: Unknowning that she's been set up, Kate follows Jack and Sawyer into the jungle again and gets a rather large surprise...
Word Count: 2099

"There she is, she's coming.."
"Yeah, I saw, be quiet..."
"But she's coming!"
"I know! Shut up!"

Two sets of eyes watched as Kate approached, the woman looking at the waves as she walked, rather than at them. When she was fairly close, they spoke to each other, pretending not to have seen her.

"So.. same place, tonight?" whispered Sawyer loudly, looking into Jack's eyes but following Kate out of the corner of his eye. He was pleased to see her look around upon hearing his whisper, and knew she was now listening. He gave Jack a significant look, urging him to continue.

"Yeah..." Jack whispered back, nodding. "And bring the rest of the whipped cream." It took all of Sawyer's willpower not to laugh at the alarmed look on Kate's face as she strolled by, trying to pretend she heard nothing. When she was gone, disappeared up the trail to the caves, both men burst into laughter at the same time, clapping each other on the back.

"That was great.." laughed Sawyer, picturing her face again.

"Think she took the bait?" asked Jack, chuckling still.

"Hell yes, hook, line, sinker... maybe even the rod too... you had your back to her, you should have seen her face..." said Sawyer, cracking up again. The men shared another laugh, and then, after glancing around to make sure no one was nearby, a quick kiss, and then Jack headed the way Kate had gone, back to the caves.

That night, Kate was pretending to sleep again as Sawyer checked if she was sleeping, though this time he was well aware she was faking. He nodded to Jack and the two men tromped off into the woods, making plenty enough noise for her to be able to follow. A minute after they had left Kate rose from where she was lying, straightened her tank top and jeans and followed stealthily, completely unaware that they knew she was there. She caught up with them easily, almost disappointed with how simple it had been to find them; they were being noisy, and Kate guessed it was due to excitement over what they were planning on doing with each other.

Meanwhile Jack and Sawyer were murmuring to each other about what they were going to do.

"I say we get her now."

"No, she doesn’t know we know she's there."


"No! We'll catch her red-handed. Now at least, she could say she was just walking. But if we catch her watching..." Jack pointed out. Sawyer grinned.


A few minutes later they reached the same clearing as the first two encounters, and set up a small fire, as the moon was blocked by clouds. Kate settled herself quietly in the bushes, watching as they regarded each other for a moment, and then began to kiss. She watched thoughtfully as they started gently, and then the passion grew as they continued, much like, Kate thought, a man and a woman would. She'd never seen anything like this before, such passion between two men, and as they dragged each other to the ground, she felt her own heart pounding relentlessly.

Many long moments later, Sawyer pulled away. Jack was panting for breath, lying on his back on the blanket on the ground, as Sawyer stood up.

"I'm gonna get us some more firewood." Sawyer said, loud enough for Kate to hear. Jack nodded. "And when I come back... dessert time!" teased Sawyer, winking at Jack, who grinned back. Kate watched Jack relax as Sawyer wandered off the side of the clearing and into the dark jungle. Jack lay back, staring up at the black sky. After a moment he sat up and peeled off his shirt, tossing it aside, too hot to wear it from the heat of the fire. Kate was growing bored when almost simultaneously a stick cracked behind her and a hand snaked its way around her head and over her mouth. Her muffled scream told Jack that Sawyer had found his victim, and the doctor grinned up at the sky as he lay back, listening to the sounds of them struggling with each other.

"Well, well, well, Freckles, here to have a free show?" Sawyer spoke into her ear, his hand still over her mouth and his other pinning her arms behind her back as she whimpered in shock and embarrassment. "Now don't scream, y'hear? We don't want to attract other people, right?" Kate nodded and Sawyer let go of her mouth. She panted for breath, her heart pounding a mile a minute.

"I was... I was just--" she cut herself off as she felt him tying her wrists together. "What are you doing?!" she asked in alarm, her voice high pitched.

"Well, I just figured if you wanted to watch the show, you may as well participate..." he said smoothly, forcing her to walk forwards. She dug her heels in, shaking her head frantically.

"No, no... you don't have to tell Jack I was here, he doesn't have to know..." she pleaded, trying to pull away. But her wrists were bound and he was steering her forcefully, and no matter how far into the earth she dug her heels, he propelled her forwards.

"Yo, Jacko, look what I found." called Sawyer as he re-entered the clearing, pushing a very harassed looking Kate in front of him. Jack stood up with a mocking shocked look on his face.

"Kate, what are you doing out here?" he asked, letting his voice thicken with suspicion. She gulped and stared at him, fighting for words while still trying to jerk away from Sawyer.

"I was just..." the sentence fell off her lips as Sawyer chuckled behind her. "Let me go!!" she demanded instead, prompting laughs from both of them this time.

"Y'know, Freckles, you really shouldn't spy on people..." commented Sawyer casually. Kate spluttered indignantly and tried to deny it, but Jack waved it off.

"We set you up Kate, we knew you heard us. Player got played." Jack said with an angelic smile. Kate stared at him nervously and tried to jerk out of Sawyer's grip again. Jack's eyes traveled to her wrists and his smile faded slightly. "Does she really have to be tied up?" he asked Sawyer. Kate took this comment to her advantage and tried to get free again.

"Uh, yeah." replied Sawyer, barely able to hang onto her this time. Jack shrugged.

"Alright then." Jack approached them, Kate's chest heaving as she looked up into his eyes, scared and excited, having no idea what they were going to do to her. "Have I told you you're beautiful?" Jack asked softly, running his hand along the side of her face. Kate stopped struggling and looked at him in surprise, completely astounded by this comment. She didn't manage to even stutter a reply before he leaned in, tilting her head upwards and kissed her. Her eyes automatically closed, and she gasped as she felt Sawyer's arms wrap around her from one side, and Jack's from the other, still locked in Jack's embrace. He took her face in both of his hands and kissed her deeply, as Sawyer ran his hands over her body, making her shiver and whimper, almost overwhelmed by this feeling. She kissed back willingly, but pulled away as she heard a hiss and suddenly felt something thick and cold trail over her neck and collarbone.

"Wha?!" she asked, disoriented. She suddenly smelled the rich scent of whipped cream, and her eyes widened. She was the dessert time that Sawyer had promised Jack. Kate gulped as she felt Sawyer start to lick the cream off of her on the backside of her shoulder, Jack on the front side, and she shuddered in reluctant excitement. They met at the top and their tongues tangled each others while still working her skin. She whimpered again and tried to move away, but their bodies were pressed so close to hers in front and back that she had nowhere to go.

She shrieked as she suddenly felt herself being pulled to the ground, landing on top of Jack and letting out a grunt of mingled pain and shock as Sawyer landed on top of her. Jack hastily covered her mouth, and she nodded, understanding not to be noisy, as Sawyer got off of her. She panted for breath, glaring up at Sawyer and trying to rub her lower back, where it smarted because he'd elbowed her. He chuckled.

"Sorry Freckles." She struggled to sit up, her arms still bound behind her, but Sawyer yanked her back down, prompting a tiny squeal, which was all she had time for before he pulled her into a passionate kiss. She kissed back, his long hair tickling her face, and she suddenly felt Jack pressed up against her back, holding her in a close embrace and kissing her neck as she kissed Sawyer. Her body was completely covered with goose bumps, and she was starting to find herself not caring about getting away quite as much. She felt the heat of Jack's bare chest as he pressed against her bound arms, his hands roving over her stomach.

"Untie me.." she gasped as Sawyer pulled away, leaving her completely breathless. He considered her for a moment.

"You promise you won't run away?" he asked sternly, his chest also heaving. She nodded.

"They hurt, you tied it too tight." she told him as he nodded to Jack, who untied the strip of fabric around her wrists, as Sawyer eyed her neck longingly. Deciding not to wait until Jack was done, he leaned in and kissed her neck passionately, biting her skin occasionally and feeling a jerk of emotions in his abdomen when she squealed. Finally Kate had her arms back and they immediately wrapped around Sawyer, who was still kissing and once in a while chewing on her flesh. She fumbled for the hem of his shirt and pulled it off of him, tossing it away. He growled into her neck and his passion grew, and between his ministrations and Jack's firm embrace, she was fast approaching her climax and nothing had even happened.

"Payback.." Sawyer whispered into her ear, and then he started to peel off her shirt, slightly surprised as she let him. She turned over onto her back, in her bra and jeans, kicking off her uncomfortable shoes and leaving her feet bare. She gasped as Jack suddenly sprayed her bare stomach with the chilled cream, making her shiver. He leaned in to take some but Sawyer shoved him away, and went in for it himself. Jack shrugged and wrapped a hand around behind her head, turning her to face him and began to kiss her as Sawyer lapped up the cream from her firm stomach, making her writhe and twitch and moan as the two men made her feel what one never possibly could. Sawyer lifted her up slightly and Jack undid her bra strap and pulled the garment from her, and Kate made no protest, incapable of doing so with the intense feelings raging inside of her.

All three of them were sweating profusely, their bodies pressed together tightly, and in a confused jumble of arms, they somehow all managed to slip each other from their pants and underwear without injuring each other. Kate was nearly at her climax and she cried out wordlessly in passion as Jack slid into her, her hands frantically clawing at Sawyer, who was kissing her. After several rhythmic motions she felt Jack slip out of her, and, dazed, she felt them switch positions and cried out again as Sawyer slipped into her and Jack began to kiss her. She whimpered in pain and something like mercy as Sawyer finished his own rhythmic movements within her. He was rougher than Jack and as he slipped out of her, she found herself exhausted to the core, her body going slightly limp under Jack's embrace. The men too seemed to have passed their climax, and Kate turned onto her side, Jack pressed up against her from behind and Sawyer in front, and after they had all caught their breath, Jack wrapped his arms around her, and so did Sawyer, encasing her in their embraces. She was quickly fading from consciousness, sleep beckoning pleasantly as she relaxed in their strong arms.

"Feel free to follow us again sometimes, Freckles..." whispered Sawyer over the crackling of their fire. Jack laughed softly and Kate smiled, her eyes closed and her head leaned against Sawyer's. It wasn't long before they had all drifted into a completely spent sleep, wrapped up in each other's arms.

smut, fanfic, slash, lost, challenges

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