Aug 25, 2006 22:19

Soooo I've been collecting quotes for the last month or two. Thanks to Jules' quote archive thingie in her journal, I wanted to start one. Its funny and whatnot, and yeah. There's quotes from people I know, movies/TV, books, celebrities and random ones I hear random places. Will update regularly as I get the chance. Yayz =)

UPDATED: Added a new "Friends/Family/Me" on Sept 16/06


[singing along to "Girl" by the Beatles] "Tit tit tit tit tit tit tit..... BOOBIES!" -Mary

"Its like living in a pepsi commercial!" - Kaitlyn, talking about the brightly lit, immaculate corner store

"I'd so L.K. Simon." - Jules (LK = lick)

Katy: *eats MSN*
Dani: o.O
Dani: Want some ketchup?

"you have ended webcam with your face." - Mary

"I wish my face were that talented" - Mary

"Do I have to lick you to get you off?" - Jules

Sunny: Hey! whats up?
Dani: ... do you REALLY need me to point at the ceiling again?
Sunny: No.
Dani: Every time, Sunny, how long does it take you to understand that THE CEILING IS ALWAYS UP? xD

I personally think MySpace needs a good lay. -Fuz

Dani: *pretends to nibble on mum's shoulder* Oooo vampire.
Mum: *tilts head away, joking* Ohh go ahead, I'm kinky.."
Dani: .... I did NOT want to hear that...

Dani: *blushing* *thwaps you* Naughty fuzzy
Jules: thwaping, naughty.... that's kink for ya.
Dani: *facepalm*
Fuz: Whatever thwaping is. I kinda enjoyed it though.

Fuz: Well, Blimey is already in bed. Is she trying to tell me something?
Jules: you should join this Blimey. why do you need a sex toy when you've got Blimey?!
Jules: what's a Blimey?
Dani: *falls over laughing*
Jules: uuuuuh...?
Dani: Fuz, you wanna tell 'er? xDDDDDD
Jules: tell me what?!
Fuz: LMAO!
Jules: is Blimey not sexable?
Fuz: Blimey is my cat!

"I've slept with the Beatles many many times... they're like, Regulars." -Me

Jules: sorry, I would been here AGES ago if something hadn't fucked up with the router.... I had to call my IP and get them to talk me through fixing it.
Dani: aww =(
Jules: the guy sounded hot though :D
Dani: *facepalm*

Dani: OKAY
Dani: *collapses and dies*


"I don't do anything on the Internet when it comes to my own name, because I'm terrified of what'll pop up." --Matthew Fox

"There are actors who have squeezed secrets out of them with bottles of tequila, but you are talking to a little girl who knew where her Christmas gifts were hidden every year and never looked... I like the element of surprise." ~Evangeline Lilly on finding out the secrets of LOST


"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

"They sat listening to the accelerated blast of gunfire. To the cries and moans of virtual victims as they lay dying in some Super Nintendo hell." - Bloodstream, Tess Gerritsen


"If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten" -Unknown

"Leo: Romantic, passionate; always gives one more hug than you think they will." - Shoebox Greeting Card

"When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets." -Unknown

"Wit is educated insolence" - Aristotle

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." - Unknown

"Worrying is like a hole in your gas tank... if you don't fix it, it will drain all your energy." - Unknown

"People with and character always seems sinister to the rest." - H. Hesse


"Its like the German poet Rilke said:

"A person isnt who they are during the last conversation you had with them... They're who they've been throughout your whole relationship."" - Lex Luthor, Smallville

Emory: When we say meat, can we be a little more specific?
Lunch Lady: Ground beef. From a cow.
Emory: What part of the cow?
Lunch Lady: The part that goes in lasagna, ya want some or not?!

Carrie: I didn't know CJ had a biological father...
Rory: ... what, you think he just hatched?!
(8 Simple Rules)

[midget comes to the door]
CJ: [answers door] Rory, one of your playmates is here.
Lyle: CJ, its me. I'm your father.
CJ: .... Rory, one of your playtmates had sex with my mom...
(8 Simple Rules)

Okay, since I have so goddamn many HOUSE MD quotes, it gets its own section.


Chase: "[House] thinks outside the box, is that so *evil*?!"
Foreman: He doesn't even know where the box IS!

Cameron: Men should grow up.
House: Yeah, and dogs should stop licking themselves.

House: [As Cuddy approaches, wearing a very revealing shirt under a blazer] Love the outfit... its professional and still says "I'm a woman". .. actually it kind of SCREAMS the second part...

Chase: [To Foreman about House] he's got a crush on you, just doesn't know how to show it...

House: [To a patient] Y'see If you repeat everything I say, this conversation's gonna take twice as long...

House: Like I always said, there's no "i" in team. ... there's a "me", though, if you jumble it up...

Wilson: You really don't need to know everything about everybody...
House: I dont really NEED to watch the OC, but it makes me happy.

[Wilson and Foreman bicker]
House: Okay, you two grab some scalpels and settle this like doctors.

House: [to Chase's raised eyebrow as the 'hot masseuse' walks out of his office]I had a massage.
Chase: ... Looks like you had a masseuse.

Patient: I cant get my contact lenses out
House: Out of what? They're not in your eyes.
Patient: ... but [my eyes] are red!
House: That's because you're trying to remove your corneas!

Patient's wife: Get another explaination
House: Yeah, okay, I think I have one in my other pants.

Chase: When I was in med school, I had this old professor--
House: -who touched you in the naughty place?

House: [To Wilson] You wouldn't know prada if one stepped on your scrotum.

House: So, does it hurt when you *tinkle*?

House: Or the shen-balancer. What the hell is a shen and why is it crooked?

quote archive, quotes, random

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