A good day

Apr 26, 2003 11:46

I had my dinner meeting with Professor Sinistra last night. It went rather well, I thought. That woman has such astounding wit and charm! We spent nearly an hour discussing the gaseous state of several of the star systems. It was fascinating. Of course, I did mention that my own name is, of course, also a very famous star. She laughed as though she was greatly amused by this bit of information. I think I understood her meaning when she said "and you shine as bright as that star, Mr. Black".

I went by Remus' rooms after dinner. I was feeling curiously guilty for having a quiet dinner beneath the night sky with my co-worker. Which is entirely ridiculous as Remus spends most of his free time dallying with Severus. I am a free agent and as such, should fee no guilt.

Harry has apparently taken to shoving the young Mr. Malfoy against the nearest available surface and snogging him into silence. I suppose that Harry has run out of the energy it takes to just pop the little brat in the jaw. So, the obvious choice is to kiss him. I cannot say that I understand how this little "relationship" would work. I never wanted to touch Snape in school, let alone kiss him. Although Lucius and I did have that one weekend in Borneo. Maybe it is just a Malfoy thing, not an archenemy thing. It is the hair, I think.

I think I will pay a visit to Poppy down in the infirmary.
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