(no subject)

Jun 02, 2003 06:53

Computers have been the last thing on my mind recently. It is amazing to me that one so famous in his frigidness could be so warm and charming. I would never say that Lucius is a loving man. No, far from it. But it is comforting to deal in honesty for once. I know what he wants from me. And I do not lie to him regarding what it is that I want. It is a win-win situation for both of us.

Field Day was an unmitigated success. I was a judge in the egg tossing competition. I am pleased to report that the event went off with only one minor hitch. Colin Creevy and Ron Weasley. One of them threw an egg at the other. It is not clear which one launched the first egg. By time I got to them, they were both covered in yolks. Those boys need to come to a truce.

Oh. I kicked Kevin Whitby. That boy is a pain. And he had a sign on his robes, inviting kicking. Who am I to refuse? I am but a man and the temptation was great.

Millicent Bulstrode soundly whipped Neville Longbottom. As such, Millicent, detention. Report to my office at the end of classes today to discuss your punishment.

My dear Lisa, if you need a break from the stresses in your life right now, please do not hesitate to hunt me down. I am more than willing to offer you a moment of peace.

It seems as though He Who Must Not Be Named is getting bolder. He actually sent letters to some of the students! He is recruiting them like the Muggle universities do! It is disgraceful. And extremely worrisome. There is no way for us to know everyone who received a letter, so there is no way to determine who has accepted his offer. I do worry that we will find enemies in the unlikeliest of places.

Hermione is holding a Ladies Tea this afternoon. I do hope that her project is successful. Hogwarts could do with some cheer and goodwill.

I could say so much about Remus and Snape. I will not do so.
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