Title: First Date
Rating: PG at the most
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Hogsmeade
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no money from writing this.
Notes: Cross-posted to my own LJ
Something was different about Hogsmeade, but he couldn’t figure out what.
The Marauders’ first foray into Hogsmeade was in second year, because it was still against the rules for them to be there at all.
During third year they had only gone on the official visits.
Two months into fourth year they started their monthly tradition of sneaking into the village via the first of the secret passages they were to discover.
It was sixth year now and Hogsmeade seemed different. Brighter, more cheerful, somehow.
Sirius smiled at his date and Remus grinned back. Suddenly he knew what was different.