Thanks to
maskedshipper and
fullmoon_dreams for your drabbles last week.
This week I'm going to try something different. A few times people have said that they've had ideas for some of our challenges but haven't written/posted them because they didn't conform to our 100-word limit. With that in mind, I bring you:
The Five-scenes Challenge
How this will work is that you'll take a look at
any of our former challenges and see if any of them inspire you. If one of them does, you have 500 words in which to write your story.
The catch:
The story can't just be 500 words of unstructured prose. What the story needs to be is a 500-word story containg 5 distinct scenes of 100 words each. So essentially 5 interconnected 100-word drabbles.
Any questions, just let me know. Otherwise, happy drabbling!