Title: To Understand What It All Means
The House of Ill Repute house_illreputeCharacters: MWPP (Hogwarts-era)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Summary: Sirius has a surprise for Remus on his birthday.
Author's Notes: This is a micro-serial. "Wolf & Bane" is a MWPP Hogwarts-era story using only the prompts form
snupin100, and
sirius_remus100, to tell the story.
GamblingPrevious Parts:
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Sirius twisted, turned, and arched his back trying to catch a better glimpse of his handiwork. James thought the sight rather ironic: Sirius chasing after his own tail.
“I’d gamble that Mariam Weatherbe would find your animagus form rather fitting,” James said, laughing.
“Mariam Weatherbe can go get splinched for all I care,” said Sirius.
Remus sat in his chair, shocked. Tears threatened to drown his vision. “You’ve all gone mad.”
When he turned to find James staring at him with those beautiful blue eyes and a pair of newly-sprouted antlers, Remus Lupin knew what it meant to be loved.
[Story Continues: