OTP Meme

Jan 10, 2013 22:06

[From Tumblr] Ten Ships

Pick ten of your ships without looking at the questions.

1. Steve Rogers/Captain America and Tony Stark/Iron Man [Avengers, all canons]

2. Aziraphale and Anthony J Crowley [Good Omens]

3. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black [Harry Potter]

4. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]

5. Michael and Gabriel [… Bible and derived works]

6. Peter Pevensie and Caspian X [The Chronicles of Narnia, movie-verse only for this ship]

7. Lily Evans and James Potter [Harry Potter]

8. Lucifer Morningstar and Mazikeen of the Lilim [Sandman and Lucifer]

9. Bruce Wayne/Batman and Wonder Woman/Diana Prince [Justice League cartoons]

10. Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy [Harry Potter]


1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?

It wasn’t canon that made me ship it; I don’t see it in the books at all, and when I watched the movie I thought ‘oh god that looks like Foe Yay WHY’ but was fairly resistant to it and ignored the Peter/Caspian fanfic popping up everywhere… until one summary looked interesting and I gave it a shot and then I was doomed.

2. Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2?

Yes. Lots. Written a fair amount too!

3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?

No, but I do have lots saved in my laptop. :D

4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?

NOOOOOOO! They are my sacred OTP and I can read and appreciate fanfic pairing all these characters from the other OTPs with other people, but never Lily/James. Not even OT3. They were my first true OTP and remain sacred for me and they’re canon and if they had broken up Harry would never have existed and the books wouldn’t exist and AAAAAAAA

5. Why is 1 so important?

Aside from the sizzling UST in the movie and the long years of Ho Yay in the comic canon? Because they’re so different in so many ways - Steve is a man out of time, literally a remnant of WWII history, old-fashioned etc, while Tony is a futurist, he is technology (and there was a hilarious and very slashy episode of Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes featuring this exact thing). And also he’s, well, Tony Stark, genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. And yet they can help each other heal and work out issues and become better for each other, and have several Slashy Moments TM in all their canons, and it is actually canon that in an alternate universe where Tony was born Natasha Stark, she married Steve Rogers. I refuse to believe that having a dick here is going to ruin that.

Also, Marvel Civil War. Enough said.

6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?

All my ships are serious business. :P Also 9 is definitely serious and heartbreaking because even though they are so sweet together and it’s definitely mutual in this canon, it’s also canon that Bruce Wayne ends up a lonely old man in Batman of the Future, which is accepted canon future in the series as seen in the Once and Future Thing episodes (if I recall correctly). He doesn’t get to have a happy ending with her, and I don’t know what happens to her.

7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?

Seriously? All of them! Admittedly you can’t see much UST between Michael and Gabriel in canon, though (still, they have loads of it in Legion), or with Albus and Scorpius as they have no interaction in the one scene we see them in.

8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?

See above answer; they’re all awesome strong ships. But I think the supernatural ships - Aziraphale/Crowley, Michael/Gabriel, Lucifer/Mazikeen - have an advantage here because they’ve got millennia of shared history to deepen their bonds.

9. How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom?

I don’t know, I lost count years ago. :P Especially since it’s the same fandom as a few other OTPs up there…

10. Which ship has lasted the longest?

I’ve shipped Lily/James since I barely understood the concept until now (they were the main characters in the first ever fanfic I read, too), but I suppose in terms of time (within the canon material) it’d be the angel ones, 2, 5 and 8. As for the ship itself I have no idea (for all I know the Biblical Hebrews could have shipped Michael/Gabriel), but I’m fairly sure Steve/Tony has been around as long as the characters have been, which is decades…

11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?

Well, they’re not canon… but even if they had been together during the events of Prince Caspian, Peter is sent back to his world and they never see each other again while they live, and Caspian remarries and fathers a son. I imagine that counts? I like to think they’re reunited after the events at the end of The Last Battle though.

12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?

… uh, both. They’d kick serious ass too. Aziraphale with his flaming sword, Crowley with his tyre iron, Lucifer with… being Lucifer (fire everywhere?) and Mazikeen with sharp blades and general badassery. Also I’m not sure zombie bites would even work on any of them.

13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?

I don’t know, but given that James was publicly and repeatedly asking Lily out at Hogwarts and they started dating while serving as Head Boy and Girl, which would put them in the limelight, I highly doubt it. Though given that he was a pureblood and she was a Muggleborn (oh god this sounds like an Avril Lavigne song) and this was during Voldemort's rise to power, they may have tried to not be too obvious about it?

14. Is 4 still together?

They’re not canon in the first place and if we take the epilogue to be canon they’re not together before Albus goes to Hogwarts, which is in 2017, isn’t it? So even if they both got divorced/somehow separated from their wives and then got together after the epilogue, that would still be in the future. There are always AUs though.

15. Is 10 canon?

Nope… but it could be! We don’t know much about them and Next Gen is very open, so for all you know they could be together in Rowling’s mind.

16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would survive?

… Lucifer and Mazikeen. Duh. Although I doubt Lucifer would want to kill Michael… I sorta kinda ship them too, but even ignoring that, Lucifer makes a point of not harming Michael in the comics (except for the Fenrir thing which was beyond his control) and wanting Michael by his side.

Michael and Gabriel are pretty badass too so it would be a close thing, but since this is Lucifer from the Lucifer comics I think he would always come out on top somehow.

17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?

… XDDD They’re not canon. But in the Michael/Gabriel roleplay I had going with a friend for ages, Lucifer (not the version from the Lucifer comics, since we needed him to be the bad guy and I like the comics version too much) did, sort of. Also evil!Crowley, a bit. It was crack okay. XD

18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?

Most of these, really. But especially 7. Maybe 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 as well, but I've already explained why 7 is so important to me. But yeah, most of them. XD

19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s Tumblr page?

… I’ve never actually looked at their tumblr page. See, I started shipping them years ago when I was still on forums and LiveJournal, and so I’ve seen ship manifestos and Slashy Moments and loads of fanfic and fanart, but I haven’t really been very active in the fandom recently (besides reading a few lovely fics that showed up on my flist) or looked at many HP tags on Tumblr. I do follow a lot of HP blogs though and Wolfstar sometimes shows up on my dash (and on Facebook, since I follow a lot of HP pages there) and I always enjoy it.

20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?

Well, technically Bruce and Diana do have a permanent break-up (assuming they ever even get together), since they have no happy ending together in canon despite being a canon pairing. And Peter and Caspian probably had a permanent break-up if they ever got together too, given their circumstances.

But given all these ships (and the possibility that they’d all have happy endings), I’d choose Albus Severus/Scorpius for the permanent break-up. Because as adorable as they are together I ship Harry/Draco much more ardently, and that’s just awkward.

This entry was originally posted at http://sivaroobini.dreamwidth.org/80490.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

role-play, avengers, justice league, narnia, good omens, harry potter, meme, lucifer, fanfiction, archangels, marauders

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