Heraldry woes

Oct 13, 2012 21:06

I'm the Herald of the College of St. Basil, the SCA chapter at my uni, and we have to do reports. So I was complaining chatting to Myst on AIM while typing up my report.

Me: Writing my Herald's Report.
Me: Reporting on the devices Z and I have designed. I'm trying to describe them in blazon, in heraldry terms, and it's bloody hard.
Myst: Good luck.
Me: Z - Gules, in fess an Armenian eagle close Or facing sinister, the Armenian letter 'z' Or, an Armenian eagle close Or facing dexter.
Sivaroobini - Gules, in pale a book Argent and an ankh Or.
Myst: in fess?
Me: in a row
Myst: Ah.
Me: though I just asked him if it was in fess or one and two
Myst: Gules is... red?
Me: http://heraldry.sca.org/primer/arrangements.html
Me: Yes.
Myst: silver book and gold ankh
Me: White, technically, but silver in heraldry terms, yes XD
Me: book above ankh
Me: so now I'm sitting here waiting for him to reply so I can change his as required and send it in.
Myst: *goes to check what her phoenix would have been in heraldry, out of curiosity XD
Me: ... augh, his eagles are twisted, looking over their shoulders
Me: so now it's Gules, an Armenian eagle close regardant Or facing sinister, the Armenian letter 'z' Or, an Armenian eagle close regardant Or facing dexter, one and two.
Myst: *wince
Myst: Complicated?
Myst: At least yours sounds nice and straightforward
Me: It is. XD His looks pretty, but blazoning it is a nightmare.
Me: He's the Marshall, and hence only has to report on trainings and injuries, whereas as the Herald I have to keep track of everyone's SCA names and devices - whether or not they've registered either/sent in paperwork, whether it's legal, etc - and be familiar with heraldry rules and blazoning. ><
Me: ... good god I sound a bit like Gabriel.
Myst: 'A bit'?
Me: oh shush you :P

This entry was originally posted at http://sivaroobini.dreamwidth.org/78418.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

uwa, sca, archangels

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